3. Jealousy Doesn't Suit You

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Well people, I hope that you guys will bear with me as I write this story. I'm personally kinda obsessed with Alan Rickman, and writing this is just extremely fun. Anyways, I wanted to remind you guys that this story, just like Darkest Desire, is UNEDITED, which means you'll have to forgive me for any grammar mistakes until I find the time to fix them.... anyways...


As it turns out, the briefing with the High Council was over before I knew it, and I was back at Grimmauld Place 12 in time for dinner. I returned alone though, Albus and my father staying behind. I felt lightheaded, still mulling over everything the Hogh Council had told me. They had said that because I was currently hiding away at Hogwarts it provided the perfect cover. Voldemort would know we were seeking out different magical communities and trying to convince them to join our cause, and he would try to find out who it was that was thwarting his efforts to recruit magical creatures.

That was, if I succeeded.

The Council, Albus and most importantly my father had reminded me how vital my assignment was for the Order and the High Council of Alchemists. It was of utteromst importance that I succeed. Escential for me to convince those groups of the neccesity to join our cause. To have them in our ranks.

Failing was not an option.

And now I was back at Grimmauld Place 12, knocking on the door ever so softly while wondering what the hell I was supposed to do. Albus had indicated that the Ministry, in an effort to control comings and goings at Hogwarts had inserted a Ministry Official amongst the staff. On decree of the Ministry of Magic, Johanna Dorothea Umbridge was to be instated as Proffesor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I hightly doubted there'd be much "defending" going on this year. Knowing the Ministry, and, more importantly, knowing Cornelius Fudge and Dorothea Umbridge personally, I was convinced that this year would be a challenging one.

After all, Albus Dumbledore was the most powerful wizzard of our time, and he would not take kindly to being tried to control, specially not to a weak-minded and feeble Minister of Magic such as Cornelius. 

My father had confided in me that Albus would be providing a cover story for me to the Ministry. A sick family member that was suffering from some unknown illness would be the reason abscence. Whenever I had an assignment they'd call in saying that my family needed my support, providing me with an excuse to leave Hogwarts for several days at a time.

Shivering in the cold I pulled my cloak tighter around myself, brushing back a few blond tresses that were blown in front of my face. Angrily pushing them back I knocked again, cursing under my breath at having to wait for someone to hear the soft knocking instead of just rigning the damn doorbell. But that risked the wrath of the painting of Sirius's mother, and that was something I'd rather avoid.

The door opened, and as I opened my mouth to curse at Sirius for letting me wait outside in the cold, I found myself opening and closing my mouth soundlessly as I looked into the eyes of no other than Severus Snape.

His eyes were a depthless black, like darkness liquified, with no emotion displayed in them whatsoever. He was just standing there, arms crossed over his chest as he took a step aside to allow me entrance. But as I stood there, rooted to my spot, I felt his eyes lazily roam my figure, and in that moment I was happy to have worn that red dress. Because, for even the briefest second, I thought I saw a glint of appreciation gleam in those black depths.

"Are you going to remain standing there or are you going to come inside?" he said icily, quirking an eyebrow at me as he spoke.

I snapped out of the daze I was in and blinked, mentally giving myself a bitch-slap for having such a reaction to merely his prescence. 

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