14. Many Roads Lead to Rome

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Well, first of all I'd like to thank @amadcat for the dedication of one of the chapters in her book, Always Together, which is awesome by the way!. Next I'd like to apologize in advance for what is about to happen in this chapter (or the next, not exactly sure when things will get a bit rough). And finally, please don't forget to comment and vote.


I was sulking.

That I knew. Sitting next to Severus the silence could be cut with a knife. We were both sitting on a bench in Villa Ada, Rome, Italy.

We were seated in the public area of the park, which was by far the largest. The bench iteself was shadowed by a big tree, and I was glad for that. The leaves were turning a dusky brown, and a crisp autunm wind was rustling through the park. Right now it was deserted, but I knew it wouldn't remain that way for long.

We were expecting company, after all.

"And when exactly are those supposed friends of yours to show up?" Severus' sarcastic remark came from beside me, and I flinched a little at his cold tone.

"They're not my friends" I muttered, my eyes darting across the empty grounds, hoping for any signs of movement.

"Well I would most certainly hope they were at this point in time" Severus replied snidely as he narrowed his eyes at me.

All he had been doing so far was taunt me. Mean, cruel comments designed specifically to piss me off and get under my skin. He hated being forced to go on this assignment with me. He hated having to apend time in my company.

"I've been here before" I hissed "But vampire Covens aren't easy to acess, let alone influence their inner policies and politics"

There was a brief silence, one in which I hoped Severus would shut up and back off. He had been insufferable every step of the way so far. It was as if ever since our fight he had just decided that whatever resemblance of politeness or normalcy between us was unnecessary. The whole 'not talking' policy had failed miserably, buthe had found that being a complete ass towards me largely made up for that.

"Covens?" He asked with a snort "Anything else that I should know before we head into the lair of these bloodsucking creatures?"

His voice was sarcastic, but my eyes snapped to his in warning.

"Don't talk like that. Vampires are very sensitive when it comes to their kind. They live in Covens, and they have an archaic way of living. There is a Royal Coucil, composed of Seven Vampire Princes, who in turn command a determined amount of Chancellors. A Chancellor is what they call the leader of a Coven. I don't know this particular Chancellor, but i'm hoping on his cooperation and support in order to convince the Royal Council" I explained carefully, aware that at any given moment we might be spotted by the Coven and taken further into their territory.

Villa Ada was one of the largest Parks in Rome, and for all intents and purposes it belonged in part to the Italian Royalty and in part to the Egyptian Government, who had their Embassy on the Private part of the park.

What no one knew was that it was also the place where one of the largest vampire Covens had resided for many centuries.

Suddenly there was a sound. A ruslte of leaves, a whisper of wind through the trees. Barely noticeable, but defenitely there. I inmediately understood its meaning, and with a curious look from Severus I stood up.

"Greetings" I said loudly, knowing we were no longer alone.

"Good afternoon, Alchemist" sounded a voice from somewhere beside me.

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