4. Debt and Retribution

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Mauw mauw. There we go again. Seems like this story will also have a lot of updates, since I'm completely obsessed with it and all! ;) :) anyways, please comment and vote.....


We heard about Harry's attack later that week. It was late in the afternoon, and night was falling rapidly as Sirius and I were quietly having dinner. Sirius hadn't quite stopped being a flirt when Severus was around, but he had most defenitely tuned it down. I knew that Sirous just couldn't help himself,  that the hatred between him and Severus ran deep and that, to both of them, it was like a second nature to try and annoy one another.

That didn't change the fact that I still felt slightly uncomfortable whenever the two of them were in the same room. A part of me wanted to return Sirius the favour and taunt Severus, given that it was one of the few chances I got to elicit some sort of reaction from Severus, while the other wanted me to keep the sotuation between them as little confrontational as possible.

So when Severus burst into the kitchen, looking angry and distraught, I inmediately felt my heart flutter in my chest. Trying to calm my nerves I quietly stood up, giving Sirius a warning glance. No inappropiate comments or mean remarks. Not now.

"What's wrong Severus?" I asked cautiously as Severus stormed into the room with a scowl etched deeply into his features.

"Potter was attacked" he growled angrily, coming to a stop before me.

Behind me I heard Sirius suck in a sharp breath, and I couldn't help the gasp that ecaped my lips.

"What happened?!" Sirius demanded, jumping to his feet.

Severus didn't answer, his eyes a stormy black as he looked at me. It was as if he was trying to think clearly, and failing. The drawn lines of his face and palor to his skin only confirmed my thoughts as I saw his hands clench and unclench.

"Severus...." I breathed softly "...what happened?"

"Dementors" Severus said simply, eyes trained on me, not even aknowledging Sirius's prescence.

"Dementors?! Snape...what the fuck happened to my Godson?!" Sirius yelled, nearly pushing me aside as he got in Severus's face.

Again Severus didn't answer, his eyes darting briefly to mine as he looked at Sirius with disdain.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that Black!" Severus hissed, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he refused to back down at Sirius's intimidating glare.

"You come in here and tell me something happened to Harry, and then refuse to tell me what's going one!" Sirius snapped "Don't tempt me Snape! Tell me what the fuck happened to Harry!"

Severus actually snorted, and I could see the wicked satisfaction he got out of withholding information from Sirius. He was angry, and this was how he acted out.

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, Black" he said slowly, voice dangerously low.

Sirius was obviously distressed, worry about Harry clear in his eyes as anger flashed in those stormy grey depths.

They stood in front of eachother, Sirius seething with anger and Severus looking agitated and annoyed. Hatred and disdain rolled off them in waves, and the tension in the air was almost palpable.

"Snape, tell me what the hell-!" Sirius yelled, grabbing the front of Severus's robes as he said so.

It happened in a flash. One moment Sirius seemed  intent on reaching for Severus, the next he was pushed against the wall as Severus easily pinned him against it, one hand firmly wrapped around his throat and the other pointing his wand straight at  Sirius's face.

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