15. Trapped and Cornered

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Well I said last chapter I wasn't sure when things would get rough. Well...this is it. I am sorry. I really am. This just has to happen in order for the story to make sense further on.


It was a day before I made up my mind.

Standing in front of the vanity, combing my hair, I was deep in though.

I had met Alexander Sterling when I was a young girl, maybe 80 years old. At the time I had spent a lot of time in my fathers office, helping him on his assignments with this insane longing to do something good in this world. To do what was right. I was young and rebellious, with a temper and a fire that surpassed the worst of my fathers expectations. But I loved it. I was carefree back then, unbothered by the danger that was out there, in the world.

Alexander had barged into the office, looking for my father. We took one look at eachother and decided we liked what we saw. A tumultuous couple of years followed in which I saw a lot of the Vampire Prince but refused to give in to him. Vampires never fed on wizzards. A witches blood was a delicacy in his world and on the black market the blood of a wizzard would fetch quite a tempting amount of galeons. The fact of the matter was that wizzards stayed away from vampires, and those who joined in the company of the vampires often became outcasts. Social pariahs.  Alexander tried every trick in the book, and I denied him on every turn. After all, playing games was like our specialty.

Seemed that that was another thing Severus and Alexander had in common.

Sighing deeply I braided my hair and pinned it up, looking at my face in the mirror. Having been up all day had taken its toll. After talking to Alexander I had returned to my chambers to mull over the events of that day. I had the sinking feeling that Chancellor Armand wasn't going to be as cooperative as I had initailly hoped.

Turns out I was right. He sent me a written message, delivered by the young man who seemed to be assigned to our care.

Even now the words seemed to be engraved inside my minds eye.

~Miss Beauchanan,
I'm sorry to inform you that at the present I can't entertain the thought of talking to you in person. My deepest apologies for that. Concerning your request for the Coven to ally themselves with you and yours, I must unfortunately inform you that I must decline your offer. The benefits you described to me aren't worth taking such great risks when it comes to the Dark Lord. For the mean time the Vampire Covens shall remain neutral in this conflitc, whilst another oportunity presents itself. Regrettably I must inform you that your prescence is no longer wanted inside the premises of Villa Ada, and I would request you leave as soon as possible.
My regrets for not being able to be of more service to the Council of Alchemists,
Chancellor A.A.Savoy~

The response came as no suprise. I mean, what was I expecting when I met the cold and detached Chancellor? I had never seen someone who looked as threatening and uninterested as the man himself. Truly, those ice-cold eyes of his gave me the creeps.

Now I had to consider my other options.

Which, in turn, meant I had almost nothing left to do but call upon Alexander and request to meet with him.

That had been yesterday. The short message I sent to Alexander detailed the Chancellor's response to my request and my plea for help. This was the first-and only time, I hoped- that I had asked Alexander for help with anything. I could already picture the conceated smile gracing his pale features and delicate lips. Why the thought of owing him a favor scared me so much was beyond me.

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