12. Information Overload

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Well... maybe some of you have noticed I changed the titel of the last chapter and this one is what the last chapter was called (did that even make an sense?)...Anyways, it is because the last chapter turned out a lot different than I thought it would, and this chapter is about what I originally intended to write...


Two weeks.

Two weeks in which I'd been carrying around all this information. Information I didn't know what to do with. Information that could potentially ruin any resemblance of friendship or means of communication I had with Severus. Information that had both everything and nothing to do with the reaso why I was currently feeling miserable. 

Lily Evans.

James Potter.

How two names could have such a profound impact on a person was beyond me. Now that I thought of it, they were the parents of "the boy who lived", so technically they actually caused quite an impacto on a lot of people.... but still. Their very existance was causing a tremendous amount of conflict in my life. 

After the Alchemy lesson two weeks ago, after my little "experiment", things hadn't exactly improved. Severus seemed dead set on ignoring me, trying seemingly desperately to not pay any attention to my little advances. My relentless teasing and jesting didn't excatly have the desired effect, and Severus had taken to actually try and mantain a certain physical distance between us whenever we met up in his chambers to make the Wolfsbane Potion.

10 feet give or take...

....not that I was counting.

Riiiight.... my subconcious sneered sarcastically, shaking her head disapprovingy at my childish behaviour.

After the Alchemy class in which I had openly challenged him in an attempt to prove him wrong regarding his accusations of my alleged "seduction", I'd hurried back to the Gryffindor Common Room and straight to the Girls Dormitory, where I'd torn ope the packages that had arrived to me that morning by owl.

I needed to know what the hell was going on.

And even now, the papers long burned and turned to ashes, the words still haunted me.

~ Dearest Aurora,
I don't know why you suddenly requested all this information regarding Lily Evans and James Potter....and maybe it's better if I don't. Whatever it is you're up to, I hope you find what you're  looking for.....
Yours truly,
P.s: stay out of trouble, will ya? I know you too bloody well to think that what you're doing is innocent and non-dangerous...so please. Take care.~

Dimitri's letter was still there, in my pocket, a crumpled piece of paper a constant reminder that what I was doing was wrong. Why did I insist on doing things that would only cause me harm? Why did I go asking questions I knew I didn't want the answers to?

......James Potter, born March 27 1960, into a pure-blood wizzarding family of considerable wealth. Both his parents were elderly, even by wizzarding standards, and both died under normal circumstances between 1975 and 1981. Died October 31st 1981, by the hands of Lord Voldemort.....

There hadn't been a lot of information on James Potter though. Inmediately after finishing school at Hogwarts, at the age of 18, he'd married Lily Evans. I had seen the copy of the Marriage Liscence and inmediately noticed that Sirius had been the best man at their wedding. 

Although he seemed to have left behind his days as a troublemaker, there had been an incident of which Dimitri had found a report in the Ministry Archives... Apparently, in 1977, James Potter and Sirius wee involved in a motorbike chace with two Muggle Policemen. Reading through the report it looked like it had started off as a bit of fun, it turned slightly more sirious when the pair were attacked by three men on broomsticks. The report didn't specify who the assailants were, but I had the dark suspicion maybe Death Eaters had something to do with it. In an attempt to lose their attackers, Sirius and James used their wands to raise the police car that had been chacing them, and their attackers crashed into it. Memory wipes had been performed, and the incident hadn't caused any repercussions on either the Potter or Black family.

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