2. The High Council of Alchemists

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Mauw! Hey there! For all those who read Darkest Desires, yo know what to (sorta) expect when it comes to the whole Aurora-Severus dinamic.... for those who haven't.... get ready for some intense fights! Anyways, you can read the stories separately, that's not an issue, but I would recommend you read the other story just so you know the background of this one.... anyways, continuing with the story.


 Well, as it turns out, Sirius was right.

We did get along. In those three weeks we spent nearly 24/7 in eachothers company as the house was being readied for the arival of several members of the Order who would take up somesort of sem.permanent residence inside the house, I got to know the troubled and complex man that was Sirius black.

With his charming smile and witty personality, it was hard not to like the man. He was a tad bit cynical, ith a keen sense of humor and a toubled past. Thirteen years in prison was enough to drive most men insane, specially in a magical prison where Dementors-magical creatures that fed off on fear and desperation, often driving the person mad- were the only company you got. But Sirius had managed to keep sane. Fierce determination to catch the man who was responsible for his best friend's death had kept his hopes alive and given him the strength to push through the fear and pain.

And even after he escaped prison, he had become hunted by the Ministry of Magic, accused of the murder of thirteen muggles. Being on the Most Wanted list of the Ministry sure brought a ton of trouble down o the already tormented man. I knew that Sirius blamed himself for the death of Harry's parents, and that he had sworn revenge on Wormtail, a.k.a Peter Pettigrew. He was forced into hiding, keeping a low profile and making sure no one recognized him. Which meant he spent most time indoors, not allowed to go anywhere in the fear of being recognized. 

I sure didn't mind finally having someone who understood what it was like to live a double life. I knew what it was like to have to live constantly with the fear of being recognized, of people finding out who you really were. It was a tiresome existence, and finally being able to connect with someone on that level was nice.

So I kept him company. We started the tedious process of cleaning the house. Which was a monumental task of which I had failed to see the implications when I initially aagreed to help. The house itself was like a testimony to decay. Delapidated and ruinous, the house was probably more broken down than many a ruin. An air of expired grandeur now clung to the once richly furnished and decorated house, and dust and mould had collected on every surface as the years went by.

I saw little of Severus in those few weeks. He came and went at the most unusual hours, usually only stopping by to talk of one member of the Order or another, never staying more than a few minutes. I assumed he went home after that, probably to his residence in Spinners End now that his double-agent life had been resumed. Or off to another assignment. It scared me, to think about him spendingtime in the company of Voldemort. It terrified me, really.  It was nerve-wracking to think about harm coming to Severus while we were still not talking. But then again, had we ever really talked? What did I really know about the man fate had chosen for me? We had spoken, yes, but more often than not those talks had ended up in fights. Those scarce conversations had turned into shouting matches, and sometimes even turned physical.  How could I feel that way about a man I barely knew? I knew nothing of his past, nothing of his life's choices, nothing but the fact that he had been a Death Eater and that he was now a spy for Dumbledore.

Ever since that first fight Sirius had started to taunt Severus by being extremely flirtatious towards me whenever he was around. He made insinuations, he teased me, and acted towards me in a certain way that implied a certain amount of closeness. Of intimacy.

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