Mina Ashido

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After the eventful night with Mitsuki, Midoriya got caught by Aizawa as he tried to re-enter the school. "Okay, listen here, you little shit," Aizawa demanded in an annoyed tone as he held down Izuku with his scarf.

"I don't know what the fuck you're doing outside of your room, but it ain't right. You still have two more months until your house arrest is over, and that is only if Bakugo doesn't press charges," Aizawa explained as Midoriya smirked, "He isn't gonna charge me," he replied as Aizawa stomped a mere inch away from his head.

"Don't get cocky," Aizawa demanded as he ended up dragging Midoriya back to his dorm, the students that watched him be dragged chuckled at his dismay. "I can walk myself; you don't have to drag me like a bag of potatoes," Midoriya complained but was ignored.

"Don't leave this fucking building again," Aizawa demanded as he threw Midoriya into the Class-A dorm. Only one person was actually in the living at the time, and that was Mina, who was watching some western movies. "Ha, you got caught," she joked as Midoriya flicked her off, "Kiss my dick,"

Mina had a slight blush from his response giving no retort; this perked Midoriya ear as he looked over to the blushing pink skin beauty, "Ohhh, you would like that, wouldn't you," he exclaimed, approaching her, Aizawa long gone already leaving immediately after throwing the boy in the room.

Approaching her, Midoriya kept a large smirk as he sat next to the girl, "Are you still dating Kirishima?" he questioned, placing his arm around her shoulder, "W-we br-broke up a few weeks ago," Mina exclaimed as Midoriya smirked, pulling her head into his chest and placing his hand onto her hip. "Oh, so that means you can be my woman tonight?" Midoriya questioned, kissing her neck causing her to giggle a little, "If I could play with this bad boy, I would be your woman every night," she flirted, holding and rubbing onto Midoriya's soft pants covered penis.

"Oh, that can be done," Midoriya exclaimed, grabbing the girl by the jaw and beginning to kiss Mina deeply; she twitched slightly from Midoriya taking the lead, "You had to make all moves with Kirishima, didn't you," Midoriya questioned as he rubbed on her breast while taking a second to breathe. "For preaching about being man, he never acted like one with me," Mina explained, placing a kiss on Midoriya's lips, "Tragic,"

In the background, the movie playing was Us, a horror movie that neither Midoriya nor Mina cared for as they exchanged saliva, Midoriya was the first to further the momentum by grabbing onto Mina's ass and pulling her on top of himself, where she was sitting on his lap and holding and gripping his hair. In retaliation, Midoriya pulled onto Mina's hair, causing her head to be pulled back, leading to the two of them being separated, "I never thought you would be so rough with me. You have such a gentle personality," Mina exclaimed as Midoriya rubbed on her ass, kissed and licked on her neck.

Unknowingly to the two of them, one of their classmates walked in on them, the girl blushed heavily as she watched Midoriya rub on Mina's ass, but before the two could notice her, she had already vanished.

Mina and Midoriya went up a level to their make-out session with Mina dry humping Midoriya. Still, the two never went all the way, merely deeply kissing in the public area to the dismay of the second student to walk in, Uraraka, who looked shocked by the scene.


The two jumped up in fear from the sudden yelling, Mina dropping to her back on the floor and Midoriya standing straight up, "Ur-URARAKA?!?" The two colorful curly-haired duos shouted as she stomped towards them, "Wh-what's wrong?" Mina questioned, sitting up from the floor. "Why the hell are you making out in the common area?" Uraraka questioned with an anger-filled voice, Midoriya tried to bring up an argument, but he was in the wrong; there was an untold rule in the dorm, to not make out in public space.

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