Yu Takeyama

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It was the final week of Midoriya's first year at UA and with it came the dreaded finals, well atleast for every other student, Midoriya had it easy with Nemuri giving him the answer sheets to all of the test.

"Im going to gives these to you but you have to do me a favor," Midnight explained to Midoriya who laid in bed with her and Mirko, "You wanna go another round?" He questioned as she shook her head, "No, I need you to go to a hotel and fuck someone into submission," she explained with an annoyed tone, "who is it?" He questioned as Midnight clicked her lips, "That bitch Mt.Lady," she exclaimed as Midoriya looked puzzled.

"She had been a pain in my ass for a while and recently she asked me to set her up for a one night stand with someone good, so imma use this to send you to mess her up," Nemuri explained as Midoriya chuckled from the pettiness. "Okay, I'll fuck her until her pussy breaks," Midoriya promises as he kissed on the heroine, who smirked sinisterly.


Midoriya made his way to the hotel with vigor, for the past 4 days Nemuri has been edging him, never once letting him finish, and cause of it he is in an almost primal state of lust, "I'm going fuck her all night," he repeated to himself as he made his way into the hotel and zipped to the room.

Inside there were dozens of condoms and seductive fragrance but he paid them no mind, his mind was set on raw fucking nothing less and nothing more.

But he had to wait, Mt.Lady wasn't even there yet and he was stuck alone in a hotel that smelled like sex. "Where the hell is she?" He questioned with irritation as the door slowly creeped open, revealing a blonde wear a skirt and white tee.

"Are you Midoriya?" She questioned as the boy nodded his head, Yu made her way into the room with a little hesitation, she felt a little awkward and scared from the scenario, she did ask Nemuri to set her up with a man since her ex-boyfriend Kamui Wood cheated on her but now she is second questioning herself.

Before she could even say a word Midoriya was already on her, grabbing her waist and kissing her, "Wa-wait," she mumbled out as she placed her hands on the boy's chest. Midoriya hault for a second as Yu questioned her decision, until she got a feeling of something on her thigh, looking down she was stunned to see the monster that Midoriya called his penis.

Yu sat on her knees kissing on Midoriya's cock as she began to finger herself gently, "How could Nemuri hide something like this," she questioned as she began to suck on the rod feeling pleasure go down both her and Midoriya's body from the sensation.

Sucking on his cock so much Yu's lips stayed deep on as her cheeks closed in, "That's a hot face," Midoriya exclaimed slapping her ass once causing her to squeal like a slutty pig, "Come on slut take all of it," Midoriya demanded as he dropped a massive load into her throat, "Don't let a single drop go to waste," he stated as Yu swallowed almost a water bottle worth of cum.

On her hands and knees, Yu was ready to take Midoriya doggy style and the boy was ready to break blonde in half, as he tried to stick the tip in, he was stopped when Yu's phone began to ring.

Grabbing it Midoriya was annoyed by the caller's name, "Your hubby is calling," he stated with irritation, "Just ignore it," Yu exclaimed as she shakes her ass to invite Midoriya in but the boy was not pleased, "Nope, I don't sleep with people in relationship," He retorted, "We already broke up after he cheated," Yu explained now fingering herself as she shook her ass more.

Midoriya merely smirked as he passed her the phone, "answer it," he demanded setting up behind her, "Okay,"

Once she answered the phone, Midoriya immediatly shoved his cock inside, thrusting strong and deep as she had to cover her mouth to not let her moans be heard.

"Hey Yu," Kamui Wood greeted on the other end of the phone as Mt.Lady was being viciously thrust into, having her guts get reorganized by Midoriya's dick.

"I'm truly sorry about what happened with that girl," Kamui tearfully stated as he put his heart on the line for the first time in a long time, "I messed up and there isn't any excuse, I fucked up and hurt you," he further explained, as Midoriya now began to slap Mt.Lady's ass as her eyes rolled back and she bit into the sheets to hide her moans.

"I just wanted to let you know that I am truly sorry and I wanted to try and fix my wrong," he explained as now Mt.Lady found it almost impossible to hide her moans letting them almost sing as the sound of her cheeks being clapped rang through Kamui's phone.

A blush formed on his face as he heard the moans of his ex and her ass being clapped relentlessly, but it became worse as Midoriya took the phone from Yu. "Aye man, that's cool and all but call later, I'm trying to fuck in peace," Midoriya explained as Kamui's eyes widen and his heart shattered.

"You really fucked up my guy, her pussy tight as hell or does your cock not reach this far deep," Midoriya taunted as he let Yu's squeals of pleasure go through the phone, "Anyways man, don't call back until tomorrow, I have for the whole night," Midoriya explained as he hanged up the phone.

Kamui looked outside to see that the sun was still in the middle of the sky, "It's still the afternoon," he stated with a depressed tone as he fell to his ass.

Back on the hotel room, Midoriya flipped Mt.Lady to her back while picking up her legs, he blasted another massive load this time inside her as the woman moan loudly.

Before Yu could catch her breath Midoriya already had her in another postion, pressing her legs to her shoulder he made her his with mating press, filling the giant woman up with loads of cum several time in the postion.

"Le-let me catch my breath," she exclaimed as Midoriya let her drop to the floor. On her hands and knees, Yu tried to crawl towards the restroom but was stopped when Midoriya gripped her waste and once again pounded her in doggy this time placing a leg on her right arm to hold her in place and get it deeper than before, she began to squirt rapidly as Midoriya went in for dozens of minutes relentlessly thrusting into her as her ass became red from the collision and slaps.

Finally making it to the shower, Yu was breathing heavily with a rear so sore that she could barely stand, "He is an animal," she muttere as she tried to catch her breath but once more was stopped with Midoriya walking in and this time sticking three fingers in her as he aggressively finger fucked her until she was climaxing nonstop, "God damn," she moaned out not knowing she could climax this many time in one day.

Stumbling back, she almost fell into the shower if it wasn't for Midoriya catching her by her waist, the two immediatly went into a deep kiss, picking her up by her legs, Midoriya carried her into the shower before putting his cock into her again, pressing her onto a wall, he pound directly into her womb causing Yu's mind to go blank as she could only think of Midoriya's body and his long thick dick rearrange her insides.

Soon the only words the heroine was muttering was Midoriya as the boy continued to pound inside of her for several hours, never giving the woman a break as she faint in and out of consiousness from the session.

In the end, Midoriya laid on the bed tired as hell as the woman laid drenched in sweat with cum all over the floor and her.

"Maybe I did a little too much,"




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