The Wild Wild Pussy Cats

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"Bullshit," Mirko exclaimed as she glared at Pixie-Bob, "We are a way better trio than y'all three," Pixie-Bob exclaimed pointing towards Mirko, Midnight and Mt.Lady, "First there is four of you, second Ragdoll lost her quirk and third I alone could beat your whole group," Mirko explained as she sticker her tongue out.

"That was low, and y'all three can't even cooperate as an unit, i seen y'all tape you three are constantly getting in the others' way," Pixie-Bob retorted as Mirko and her two commrades nodded their heads knowing that the blond was right.

"What about a competition then," Midnight exclaimed peaking the interest of the five other girls. "What type of competition" Mandalay questioned as Midnight smirked, "a stress relieving type," she exclaimed as Mt.Lady and Mirko smirked knowing exactly what she meant.

"That's crazy," Mandalay exclaimed as Midnight explained the competition, but her teammate expressed a diffierent opinion "I'm in," Bixie-Bob exclaimed, looking to Ragdoll; Mandalay was let down by the now quirkless girl's answer, "I'll do it,"

"Okay so the rules are simple, we each spend one hour in the bedroom with Midoriya and the group who makes him cum the most wins," Nemuri explained to the table with Mandalay being the only one who was questioning everything.

"Isn't he still a student?"

"Yeah so what?"

"Isn't that like morally wrong?"

"No, now shut up," Mirko replied causing Mandalay to question the morals of everyone around the table. "How big is his junk," Pixie-Bob questioned as Mirko extended her arm, "It's about as big as my forearm," she explained causing the Wild Wild Pussy Cats to blush, "That's massive,"


"Another one please," the boy exclaimed as he held Ryuko from behind, "No what if I cut you this time," she reasoned as Midoriya tried to get another kiss out of the woman, "I don't mind," he exclaimed placing a kiss on the back of her neck causing her to blush.

"Okay one more kiss," Ryuko exclaimed as she faced back laying her lips onto Midoroya's lips.

The two childishly giggled as they exchanged a few more kisses, "So Izuku, what are your thoughts on settling down?" She questioned as Midoriya's eyes widen from the question, "I don't know, I don't really feel ready to settle anytime soon," the boy responded to Ryuko's displeasure.

"Don't get me wrong tho, if you want to go on some dates it'll be my pleasure to go with you," Midoriya explained placing his head into her shoulder. "I could be your boyfriend but I'd still be sleeping with other people," Midoriya joked as Ryuko pouted, "That's no good," she exclaimed as Midoriya's phone began to ring.

"Midoriya what are you doing," Mirko questioned, "I'm with Ryuko, why?" Mirko scoffed on the other end of the phone, "Do you want to fuck the Wild Wild Pussy Cats?" Mirko questioned causing Midoriya's: ears to perk up.

"Tomorrow come to my house and be ready for a
Long day," Mirko explained as Midoriya grinned a little while nodding his head.

"Who was it?" Ryuko questioned as she jealously grabbed onto the boy's chest, "It was Mirko's crazy ass," Midoriya replied kissing Ryuko, "Wanna do it," Midoriya charmed placing a kiss on the woman's ear making her giggle, "Not today, I just wanna relax," Ryuko exclaimed placing a kiss on Midoriya's cheek causing the boy to smirk.

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