Ryuko Tatsuna

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After his date with Nejire, Midoriya found himself a little distant from the other women he has recently been sleeping with, Toga was a one night stand and hasn't contacted him since, he hasn't talked to Kendo and the rest of the girls of class B since school ended and the same goes for most of class A girls too.

The only ones he has consistently met up with was the heroine trio of Mirko, Midnight and Mt.Lady, but every time he went to see them they ended up fighting over him which became pretty annoying.

"Can't I get one kiss?" Midoriya questioned floating over the blue haired Hado Chan, who had a pouting expression with her arms crossed. "I told you to stop slapping my butt," Hado complained as Midoriya landed behind her grabbing onto her waist, "Come one don't be like that, how could I resist when you have such a nice butt," Midoriya questioned placing a kiss on Nejire's neck as the girl to chuckle as she tried to keep her pouting face.

Finishing up on their parole already, the two made their way into a locker room together, "Shhh," Nejire shushed as she walked in holding Midoriya's hand, "I know how to be quiet," Midoriya joked back picking Nejire up as he carried her to the back, around the showers.

Stripping each other naked, Midoriya and Nejire went straight into sex, with Midoriya pounding away as Nejire could barely hold back her moans.

Unluckily for both of them, they had already long been caught they just didn't know it, outside of the locker room, the boss of the agency Ryuko Tatsuna stood in annoyance, "Little shit just comes in and starts making problems in my agency," she muttered to herself as she entered the lockers.

Walking all the way to the back, she didn't hesistate to sling open the shower to reveal Midoriya balls deep into Nejire's vagina. The two paused and had massive blushes as they looked back at the Dragon hero.

"Out now," she demanded as she watched a massive rod slowly come out of her prize pupil, 'Why is it so big," she thought to herself as she blushed from looking at the elephant trunk dangle.

"I'm sorry sensei," Nejire exclaimed bowing to her boss as Midoriya followed suit, "Both of you get dressed and come to my office," the dragon demanded before walking off.

In her office, Ryuko had a massive blush as she thought back about Midoriya's rod exiting Nejire, "How did she take all of that," she thought to herself slowly rubbing on her lower half as the thought of Midoriya thrusting into Nejire popped into her head causing her to now finger herself gently.

But before she could climax, there were knocks at her door causing her to bolt up as she took her hand out, "Co-come in," She exclaimed as Midoriya and Nejire slowly opened the door with ashamed expressions as they sat at the chairs in front of Ryuko.

"Do I need to explain why I called you to my office today?" Ryuko questioned as both young heroes shook their heads, "I understand that you two are young heroes with vigor but you are taking it too far," She further explained as she dropped a folder onto the desk, "In just the past two weeks, we have already gotten over 30 complaints about you two making out in public places or skipping parole,"

"This is a big issue, you're relationship can't come before your hero work when your on the clock, at anytime there can be a disaster and lives could be on the line, we can't have two young heroes be too busy making love to save lives," Ryuko explained as she passed the two papers, "I'm not saying you have to break up but I need y'all to be more professional at work," she finished off as the two looked at the paper.

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