Momo Yaoyorozu

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Izuku Midoriya sat in annoyance as he was lectured by All Might about his recent dangerous training method, "I understand the wish of breaking through your limits, but to constantly have your body destroyed from overworking will get you nothing," All Might explained as Midoriya merely nodded his head looking past his idol to see a few of his classmate's training.

They were all doing their own special training with only one of them standing out, Momo Yaoyorozu, she stared directly at Midoriya as she created a small item before winking.

Midoriya was puzzled by the expression but for the most part paid it no mind as he watched her, this time she picked up one of the items she dropped, bending all the way over.

Midoriya bit his lip from the site of her ass as he finally realized what she made, an XL condom. He smirked widely as Momo gave him a small wink before walking off. Midoriya now had something to look forward to as All Might continued to lecture him.

"Young Midoriya, Are you paying attention?" All Might questioned as Midoriya continued to glance behind him, following his gaze All Might looked up to see what Midoriya was looking at.

"Ahh I see, Young Yaoyorozu, I understand Young Midoriya, you must be interested, am I right?" All Might questioned as Midoriya merely nodded his head, "Yeah, she is quite the gorgeous woman," Izuku exclaimed as All Might patted his back.


Midoriya laid in his room as he texted back and forth with Momo, looking at her most recent message, Midoriya couldn't help but smile, seeing a bikini photo with a wink face. "GOD DAMN," Midoriya exclaimed with a smile as he looked at the photo.

On Momo's end of the phone, she was hiding her face in a pillow with a giant blush as she waited for Midoriya's response. "What am I even doing?" she questioned as she looked at her outfit. Slowly she began to regret her idea, thinking about how stupid it was to try to sleep with her friend's ex-boyfriend. That was until Midoriya sent his reply, a video, opening the video Momo had an immediate blush as she covered her face.

Starting the video Midoriya flexed his abs as he slowly brought the video down to his underwear, where a giant rod print stood out. The message followed after, "Do you want to see more?" With a wink face.

Momo had a huge blush on her face, "He is so fine," she exclaimed looking at the photo, she took off her bra and aimed her camera to the mirror where she took a photo covering her nipples with her fingers.

"Maybe that one is too much," She questioned looking at the photo. Momo felt a little nervous as she sent the photo to Midoriya. While on the other side, the boy had a nose bleed with a rock hard rod.

"Fuck this," Midoriya exclaimed to himself, texting Momo immediatly, "Who room and when," he typed out as he sent a dick pick.

"Mine and now," was all Momo wrote back as she started to clean up the small area left in her room, "Okay that's clean enough," she told herself before a knock on her door alerted her.

Blushing slightly she opened the door to see Midoriya in nothing but a pair of gym shorts with no briefs causing his rod to leave a print on his shorts.

"Oh my," she exclaimed as Midoriya made his way in, grabbing her by the shoulders, Midoriya immediately went in for a kiss as he shut the door.

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