Mitsuki Bakugo

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Since the day with class 1-B Midoriya went almost two weeks without sex, either relaxing in his room or working out during his time being suspended from classes. Scrolling through his phone he looked at a sudden notification from a woman he knew since childhood, Mitsuki Bakugo, reading the message his blood ran cold. Her message was littered with curse words and angry reaction emojis. "I guess someone told her who hurt Bakugo," he sighed as he read the woman's message with the last line being, "COME HERE NOW FOR I CAN KILL YOU,"

Prepping himself up, Midoriya was ready to take all of Mitsuki's abuse, stretching slightly as he blitzed through UA's defenses and didn't stop until he arrived in front of the Bakugo household. Staring at the house Midoriya walked to the door and knocked several times, in the house he could hear loud footsteps coming to the door. Swinging the door open, Mitsuki in a thin morning gown stared dagger into Midoriya's soul, but the boy gave him no care to her eyes and stared directly at her massive breast and the fact that her nipples were almost seen due to her wearing no bra.

Mitsuki noticed where Midoriya's eyes were and smacked him cause of it, "My eyes are up here," she shouted in venom as Midoriya merely smirked, "I know, I chose my fate," he replied walking forward with Mitsuki stepping back. He closed the door behind them, "YOU LITTLE SHIT! IS THIS HOW YOUR MOTHER RAISED YOU,"Mitsuki shouted again smacking once more, but the boy walked through the hit.

Sitting on the coach, Mitsuki screamed Midoriya's ear off, "WHY THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU BEAT MY FUCKING SON UP SO BAD," she shouted with fire in her eyes, "I understand he deserved a couple hits but to do what you did to him is just cruel. Is this because of," she explained as Midoriya merely gritted his teeth.

"Do you even know what that little shit of a son you have has done to me," Midoriya interrupted taking off his shirt to reveal dozens of explosion scars caused by Bakugo when they were younger, "LOOK AT THIS SHIT, HE SCARRED ME SINCE I WAS A FUCKIN CHILD," Midoriya shouted stepping forward towards Mitsuki who was stunned from the amount of abuse Midoriya had to go through.

"OH AND IF THAT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH HE FUCKED MY GIRLFRIEND," Midoriya shouted dropping Mitsuki to her ass on her chair and causing one of her breast to fall out of her shirt, Midoriya's anger filled expression shift to a devious smirk as he leaned over the woman.

"You know that feeling right? Isn't that why you divorced your husband," Midoriya spoke as if the devil took over with slick and smooth laced words. Placing his hand on her breast, Midoriya put his lip to her ear, "Why don't we put everything behind us and enjoy each other," he whispered as he rubbed her breast getting the sexless woman flustered.

She tried to resist his pursuit but he kissed on her neck causing her to moan loudly, "I love that voice of yours," he exclaimed as he pushed the slightly resisting woman, Izuku grabbed her hand and brought it to his rod having her eyes completely wide as she felt the monster he held.

"I-is that your penis?" Midoriya merely nodded as he ripped off Mitsuki's gown exposing her breast and body, "Wa-wait," Mitsuki faintly claimed as she tried to push him away but was overpowered, his began to suck on her nipples causing the woman to twitch down at her lower half. Using her left hand he began to fiddle with her clit while her right hand rubbed on Midoriya's rod.

"For a woman who doesn't want to you seem to be oddly cooperative," Midoriya joked as Mitsuki has the face of a woman in heat with her tongue out, a tint of red on her cheeks and steam coming from her. "Sh-shut up," she replied heavily breathing with lust in voice.

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