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After comforting Momo, Nemuri and Yui, Midoriya was left with one woman to comfort, Sosaki.

He stood in front of a mountain of a man, "You have a lot of nerve coming here," the man stated as Midoriya bowed his head, "I came to see them," he replied as the man glared daggers into his back.

"To hurt them again? To leave them after getting one of them pregnant," Tiger stated holding himself back from knocking Midoriya's head off.

"N-No, I want to see them because I want to be in their lives, I want to love them, I want to cherish them," Midoriya explained bowing as Tiger's glare never faltered.

"I'll let you pass this time but if there is a next time," Tiger explained suddenly grabbing Midoriya by the collar and lifting him into the air, "I'll kill you," Tiger stated throwing Midoriya onto the ground.

Midoriya hit the floor like a bag of potatoes, not making a single sound before getting back to his feet. He walked past Tiger and went straight to the people he was looking for, "M-Midoriya?" A voice questioned as the boy walked into the home of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats.

"Pi-Pixie," Midoriya exclaimed grabbing the woman into a hug, "I'm so sorry," he cried out as the woman overcame her surprise and began to rub his head.

"It took you long enough," Pixie joked rubbing the boy's back, "Come on Sosaki has been waiting for you," Pixie explained as Midoriya looked surprise, "Are you not gonna yell at me or smack me," he questioned as the woman shook her head, "We heard everything from Nemuri and Ryuko," She explained taking Midoriya to a back room.

"Make sure to watch out," Pixie exclaimed as she pushed Midoriya into Sosaki's room, the boys was confused by the advice until he entered.

"So-Sosaki?" Midoriya questioned entering the room, but before he could say another word he was sudden bending over in pain, "FUCKING DEADBEAT," shouted a young voice as the young Kota began to punch Midoriya's sides.

"You think it's funny to fuck someone's aunt," Kota questioned teary eyed as he continued to punch, "Did you think I would forgive you just because I look up to you," Kota cried out as he known slammed his head into Midoriya.

"Kota, I told you if you we're gonna act like that then to not be in here," Sosaki exclaimed grabbing the boy by the arm before pulling him away.

"I'm sorry," Midoriya apologized dropping to his knees as he bowed his head, "I'm so sorry," he cried out as Kota's face of anger disappeared.


"It's okay, Midoriya, I already heard everything, just stand up, what would Kota think if he saw his uncle groveling on his knees,"

Both Kota and Midoriya said nothing from Sosaki's comment, "Does that mean you forgive me?" Midoriya questioned as Sosaki nodded her head, "Come here," she exclaimed opening her arms for a hug as Midoriya began to tear up, "S-Sosaki," Midoriya cried out grabbing onto the woman and hugging her tightly, "We all forgive you," a third voice exclaimed from behind Sosaki revealing Ragdoll.

"Co-come here," Midoriya cried out grabbing both women as a jealous Pixie stood from afar, "ME TOO," she shouted jumping into a hug.

After embracing, the whole group from Sosaki to Tiger and Kota sat on the couch watching a movie, with Midoriya having his arms around all three women refusing to let go as Kota was forced to get everything ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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