Melissa Shield

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Finishing up with Hatsume, Midoriya pinned the woman down as he blew another load inside of her.

"Make me a few of those dildos, I would love to use them on my girls," Midoriya demanded as he left the room with Hatsume laying on a coach with a dildo still inside of her and her back aching in pain.

"Now where did Melissa go?" Midoriya questioned walking out of the room to find the girl only feet away curled up in a ball with tears in her eyes.

"M-Melissa?" Midoriya questioned as he approached the crying girl, "A-are you okay?" He questioned more as he sat next to her, "N-No I'm not o-okay *sniff* I just watched my crush fuck someone else, why would I be okay?" Melissa questioned scooting away from Midoriya who nodded his head.

"I'm sorry you had to watch that,"

"No you're not," Melissa snapped back as she wiped her tears, "You're just some fuckboy," Melissa insulted as Midoriya nodded his head, "Yeah I am,"

"I thought you were a nice cinnamon bun," Melissa exclaimed as she laid her head onto his shoulder, "I mean I am nice, I just tend to be too nice," Midoriya reasoned as he patted the girl's back.

"How many people have you slept with?" Melissa questioned as Midoriya took a second to think, "I mean I have 18 girlfriends, who I slept with last night, and then there is Toga, Mitsuki, Uraraka, Moe and Hatsume," Midoriya explained as Melissa began to cry more.

"I wouldn't have even been your 20th girl," Melissa cried as Midoriya rubbed her back, "I feel so stupid," Melissa complained as she cleaned up her eyes and nose, "Dont feel that way Melissa, you are easily one of the smartest girls I have ever known, and plus you were right about me from what you knew. I only recently started sleeping around after me and Uraraka broke up," Midoriya explained as Melissa felt a bit better.

"That only helps a little," She replied laying her head onto his lap, "I have no doubt you can find a better guy out there," Midoriya explained as Melissa pouted, "Who would want a quirkless bimbo like me. All I got going for me is big boobs and a bigger ass," Melissa joked as Midoriya pouted this time.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, you're a smart, strong and courageous women. You'll be extremely successful in the future," Midoriya reasoned as Melissa shook her head, "Guys don't want that, haven't you seen the stats for successful women and relationships. They struggle to ever find love," Melissa explained crying even more as Midoriya nodded his head remembering reading over that article.

"Well I would love you," Midoriya reasoned but that answer didn't do anything for Melissa, "You say that to 18 different women that doesn't count," she replied causing Midoriya to nod again knowing he wasn't gonna win any arguement.

"It counts to me, I love everyone of my girls, from Rumi to Momo to Ryuko, I love their company, I love their little antics like when Pony stumbles over her words or when Kinoko accidentally creates mushrooms on her cheeks when she gets embarrassed and what I love most about them is not the sex but just that they exist, I love seeing each of my girls," Midoriya explained as Melissa became even more pouty.

"I know you were trying to cheer me up but that just made it worse. I don't want to hear about how the guy I have liked for months loves different women," Melissa replied.

"Then why don't you join in? I always have room for more in my heart," Midoriya reasoned as Melissa frowned, "No I would just become girlfriend number 19, I bet you wouldn't even say my name, I bet you can't even explain why you love each one of your girlfriends," Melissa challenged as Midoriya smirked.

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