Mei Hatsume

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"Okay so we get him Monday to Wednesday, Ryuko gets him on Thrusday, we let him choose on Friday, Saturday is those school girls and Uwabari on Sunday," Nemuri explained to a room filled with a majority of the heroines that Midoriya has slept with.

The Wild Wild Pussy Cats, Mirko, Midnight, Mt.Lady, Ryuko, Nejire, Uwabari, the girls from Class 1A excluding Uraraka, Hagakure, Jirou, and all of the Class B girls.

"What, there is like 10 of us, why do we only get one day," Momo complained as the rest of the girl agreed, "Yeah I want to go on solo dates too, that isn't fair," Kendo add on as the rest continued to agree.

"We can't all have him," Uwabari complained as more bickering continued between the group, all the while Midoriya sat in the corner of the room annoyed at their bickering.

"Why can't I just marry all of you," Midoriya exclaimed causing everyone to look at him crazy, "You struggle every night with Mirko how would you handle all of us," Nemuri shot back as Midoriya snapped his head towards her, "She is the only one I struggle with, I could take all of you excluding Mirko in one night," Midoriya replied.

"Then prove it," one of the many girls exclaimed before they all started to chant it, "ILL FUCK YALL SLUTS INTO SUBMISSION," Midoriya shouted ripping off his clothes and immediately activating AFO 95% Full Cowl.


Midoriya walked out of the bed room with pride, the night before he put all of the girls in a dick coma, giving them each a few rounds before even going after Mirko, who couldn't beat that 100%.

"Who the man?" Midoriya questioned as he walked into the kitchen to find Nejire and Ryuko cooking breakfast.

"Kiss?" Midoriya questioned as he walked in between the two placing his arms around their waist, "Only one," Ryuko exclaimed placing one on his lips as her disciple placed multiple kisses on Midoriya's cheek and lips. "Okay maybe a few more," Ryuko poured as she placed several more kisses on his lips as Nejire continued to cook.

"So 18 lovers?" Ryuko questioned as she and Midoriya now hugged as she looked him in the eyes, "Still missing a few one nights stands," Midoriya joked as Ryuko felt a sting in her chest.

"Am I special to you," Ryuko questioned as Midoriya watched her eyes fill with anticipation and worry, "Yes, you are very special, Ryuko," Midoriya exclaimed placing a kiss on the woman's lips before she nuzzled into his chest. "Stop being so cute," Midoriya exclaimed as he rubbed the woman's back and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey now love birds, you don't have to flex on us," Uwabari exclaimed grabbing Midoriya butt as she laid a kiss on his cheek, "That's Japan's ass right there," she joked as she walked past the pouting Ryuko.

"Don't be mean now Uwabari," Nemuri exclaimed grabbing Midoriya's butt too as she nodded her head, "Oh yeah, that is Japan's butt, I think it even beats All Might's," Nemuri stated as now everyone began to feel on Midoriya's rear end.

"Uhh, could y'all not do that," Midoriya questioned as all of the woman looked at him as if he was stupid, "You get to have 18 girlfriends, let us do this," Mirko reasoned as most of the girls nodded their heads.

"Come on, we were having a moment," Ryuko complained shoveling her head into Midoriya's chest as all the rest of the girls gave them their peace.

"Kiss?" Midoriya questioned the pouting Ryuko, "Yes,"


"I swear to god, Mei, if I get hurt this time I'm gonna break your back," Midoriya threatened on his phone as he approached the UA mechanical building. But before he was even in range of the building he saw something amazing.

About 10 yards away was the biggest ass Midoriya has ever seen, the woman bent over picking something up in a pair of pants she had no right wearing. "Gawd damn," Midoriya exclaimed, "I feel like I know that ass from somewhere," Midoriya mumbled walking closer as the woman stood up right.

"Me-Melissa?" Midoriya questioned as the girl's head snapped back to stare at the green haired boy, "IZUKU," she shouted jumping at the boy, showing off her massive breast that were being choked by her tight clothing.

"What are you doing here, Gorgeous," Midoriya flirted twirling the girl around as she blushed a little, "I came for a class in the mechanical wing," Melissa explained as Midoriya placed his arm around her waist, causing the girl to giggle a little as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I didn't think you would make a move so fast," she exclaimed as Midoriya merely pulled her closer as he licked his lips.

"We can take it all the way if you want," Midoriya explained as his hand now began to reach a little lower rubbing on her butt a little as Melissa began to blush heavily, "Oh maybe a different time," she replied feeling uncomfortable from Midoriya's touching her ass and removing his hand from there.

Taking the hint and knowing he was in the wrong Midoriya took a few steps back. "Then what about a date?" He questioned as Melissa tried to forget about the touch, "Yeah that sounds good," she exclaimed as the two made their way to the mechanical hall.

"MIDORIYA HURRY UP," Mei Hatsume shouted as she dragged the boy into her quarters to test a new baby. "Please don't explode," Midoriya begged as he was given a weird metal sleeve, "Okay now use all of your power and swing at that target," Mei commanded as Midoriya looked puzzled, "DO IT," she shouted as Midoriya did as he was told throwing a punch so powerful that it made the one he landed on Muscular look like a gust of wind.

"My arm isn't broken," the boys exclaimed with surprise as he looked at the fully functional arm, "ITS A SUCCESS," Mei shouted as she looked at her invention.

"That sleeve takes all of the recoil of your attacks that normally break your bones and disperses it into a gust of wind," Mei explained grabbing onto Midoriya's arm as she celebrated her success.

"So are you still down to break my back?" Mei questioned looking at Midoriya's rod print, Melissa face turned completely red from the statement.

"Maybe not here," Midoriya replied rubbing his head as he looked at the flustered Melissa who avoided eye contact.

"If she is bothering you, she could join in," Mei reasoned pointing towards Melissa who shook her head, "I t-think I'm gonna go back to my room," she explained before darting off.

"Now why didn't you have to go and mess that up for me?" Midoriya questioned as he began to pound away on Hatsume, "Now she is gonna think, I'm the type of guy to sleep with any woman," Midoriya complained as he took a second to think about what he said.

"Okay maybe I am but still," Midoriya shouted as he filled up Hatsume, "Is that a dildo?" Midoriya questioned looking at Hatsume's desk filled with multiple sex toys that she had made herself.

"Wonder what this one does," Midoriya questioned shoving a large curvy dildo into Mei's vagina, "Do it have a remote?" Midoriya questioned looking around the desk until finding it.

The remotes had three options, "Mild, Stress relief and Destroy," Midoriya read out as he smirked pressing destroy and watching the curvy dildo rotate inside of Hatsume like crazy as the woman could do nothing but moan uncontrollably as she squirted all over the room.

"Holy shit, that was awesome," Midoriya exclaimed grabbing the rest of the dildos, each having a different shape texture and function.

"Let's test the all out,"


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