Chapter 1 Corey

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Dedicating this Chapter to Richard. We miss you, man. We wish that you were still here.

One year later...

I was at the studio working on a new joint. I wanted to dedicate it to my mother. She was my favorite person in the whole world. She always told me that I was going to be famous one day and I must never forget my friends and where I was from in Harlem. I never forget them and I always keep concerts to raise funds for the kids who needed it and also for mental health research. To be honest I didn't believe that my mom killed herself. I think that she was murdered but the police said that the evidence proved that it was suicide. I even hired a private investigator to look into it but he didn't find anything. Even though my mother was bipolar, she was never a pessimistic or suicidal person. I just wished that she was still here to see me but I guess that she's shining down on me from Heaven.

"Triger, we need some more base on that." One of my audio engineers Jay B advised me.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. I didn't really like talking when I was recording.

Each time that I'm here recording my mind was on this lady and I couldn't seem to find her, Kaylee Van Gotthard. Ari did give me her address but when I went to the apartment her roommate told me that she moved out a week ago. I told her that I would pay her to give me Kaylee's new address but she said that she didn't know where Kaylee moved to. Kaylee didn't even reach out to me to get her cell phone back. I didn't tell Ari or my father that she left her cell phone in the bedroom. My good friend Jackson who was also my publicist told me that I have a new manager. He said that I'll be meeting her today. He did the interview and everything. I trusted his judgment so I just left everything up to him. My previous manager was killed in a car accident two weeks ago. So I have been without one for two weeks.

I finished recording the song and took the headphones off my head. I was feeling positive about this new song. I told Jay B that I will be back soon and went into my office. I just needed some alone time to myself. I sat on my chair and closed my eyes. Just thinking about my career and my life. I was single at the moment and I wasn't really rushing into a relationship with anyone. The one person that I really wanted to be with had disappeared into thin air. As usual, groupies were all over me but I wasn't interested in any one of them.

I heard a light knock on the door which made me open my eyes.

"Triger, open up man," Jackson said.

"Come on in the door is not locked," I replied.

"Your new manager is here. She's using the restroom. She's very hot and I know that you're going to like her." He said to me as he walked inside. 

I had a smirk on my face. I knew what he was getting at but I wasn't interested in hooking up with anyone who was going to be managing my career.

"Man, I know what you're getting at but that won't happen," I stated to him.

He sat down in the recliner that was close to my desk. "I'm not getting at anything, man." He replied.

I ignored what Jackson said because I knew that he was lying. I took up my cell phone and checked my emails. There was a knock on the door. Jackson went to open it.

"Come in Miss Van Gotthard." I heard Jackson say.

"Thank you, Jackson," Kaylee replied to him. I was there sitting down, shock as ever. I was wondering if this was real or if I was dreaming. She walked into the office and sat on the chair that Jackson motioned to her. She was looking beautiful as always. She was wearing a yellow dress and matching heels. Her hair was in a ponytail. I swear, this woman knew how to put me in a trance.

"Triger, meet your new manager Kaylee Van Gotthard. Kaylee, meet the new artiste that you will be managing, Triger." Jackson introduced us.

I didn't even know what to say to her. It is such a pity that Jackson didn't even know that she was the woman that I was telling him about a year ago.

"Nice to see you again, Corey," Kaylee said to me as she stretched her hand out for a handshake.

I didn't shake her hand. I didn't even stand to greet her. I just sat on my chair and stared at her. To be honest I was upset with her. All this while she went ghost on me and now she showed up out of nowhere as my manager. I wasn't thrilled, not in the least.

"Likewise, Miss Van Gotthard," I replied to her.

Jackson stood there looking at us. I guess that he was speechless because he couldn't believe that we knew each other.

"You guys know each other?"Jackson asked as he pointed at us while looking from me to Kaylee.

"Yes, we do. I met Miss Van Gotthard a year ago at my father's engagement party." I replied to Jackson. He didn't say anything. His mouth just formed an 'Oh'.

"Corey, I'm happy to be managing your career. I know that I cannot replace your previous manager but I will do my best to continue keeping you on top. All of your songs have gone platinum and it will continue to be that way." Kaylee said.

I just nodded my head at her.

"Guys, please excuse me. I have a meeting to attend. Triger, I will talk to you later. Kaylee if he's giving you a hard time just call me." Jackson said to us.

"Thanks again man," I replied to him.

"I don't think that he'll be giving me a hard time. Thanks for everything Jackson." Kaylee replied to him. Jackson nodded at both of us and exited my office leaving me and Kaylee alone.

There was an awkward silence between us. I needed to keep this on a professional level and stop being in my feelings. Kaylee was the first to break the silence.

"Jackson told me that you just got back from a European tour," She said to me.

"Yes, I did," I replied to her bluntly.

"Okay. How was it?" She asked me.

"It was good. Why did you go ghost on me?" That has been on my mind from the moment that I saw her entering my office.

"I didn't. I moved and I didn't know how to get in contact with you." She replied.

"That's bull, Kaylee because you could've asked Ari for any information about me. You know that." I said to her.

"I know. You're right. I'm sorry and please let us just put the past behind us and move forward. I would like to take a look at your album sales before we get started." She replied to me. I know that she was trying to change the subject.

"Sure. Why didn't you come back for your cell phone?" I asked her.

"I just didn't get the time to do it." She replied.

"Okay. Are you still single?" I asked her.

"Yes, I am." She replied as she browsed through some information on the computer.

"Good," I replied to her and sat down in my chair. I was on my phone talking with one of my producers when I felt her warm hands massaging my shoulders. I instantly felt myself getting hard. I told him that I'll call him back and quickly ended the call. I got up and pulled her closer to me. Her lips smashed onto mine. I broke away from the kiss and put my hands on her ass as we gazed into each other's eyes. I pushed off all the files that were on my desk and she went and sat down on it.

I wanted to keep this on a professional level but damn I couldn't do it with a goddess like this around me. The woman that I have been hunting down for one entire year. The woman that had captured my heart and I didn't even know it until today.

Kaylee stripped herself naked and spread her legs for me. I went down on her and licked her as she held my head and moaned my name.


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