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Jungkook POV

"WHAT THE HELL!" My boss screamed right at my face. 

This demon. What did I do wrong this time huh? He only scolds me when I do a mistake in work. Despite me being his best worker.

"Boss, I only asked for a holiday, I am getting married."


 Okay...that was unexpected but......... that beautiful girl who mom arranged my marriage with is my boss's girl?  I didnt even know my boss had a girl.  

I knew she had a boyfriend but my boss?!

"Well you know I would have just fired you but since you are a good worker I will give you a second chance"

Good!? This idiot....I am his best worker...if I leave,his company will be nothing but ash.

A second chance ay? It's not like you had a choice.


Again, Not like you had a choice.

Yoongi POV

Nikkie told me she was getting married...That poor ball.

She was a crying mess when she told me....yet she even begged me not to break up with her. Hell knew that she was gonna get married to Jungkook. 

He is my best worker, without him God knows what would happen to my company.  That is what I hate about him. It's my company yet he is the best ....not me. I admit. I am jealous   though he does all the work all credits go to me.  He works under me......yet he is better to me. He very well knows that I won't fire him And it is nothing but jealously.  Him getting married to my woman will just add fuel to the fire.

I'll just call her.

Nikkie POV 

I was sulking in my room.  

 I met him last week at the diner, I admit he his handsome but I already have a boyfriend! Is it so hard to exept, mom! Huh!? But I also don't wanna rush out at her. Papa left her at a younge age.  He got into a car accident. I don't wanna recall those dark times.  Mommy never accepted yoongi, I don't get why she dislikes him.   Num-num is O.K. with my relationship but this time....He supported mom about my marraige. ITS NOT FAIR! 

(A/n ,Num-num as in numjoon)

MY brother is gay. Mom supports that. Why doesnt she support me!

I am not jealous. I Love my brother. He was my fatherly figure after dad. From the start he always loved me. I remember he lied to mum and dad  so many times when  we were young just so I wouldnt get the scoldings. I really love him. But this  once....Why can't you support me, huh? Why  one last time!

I had been crying all night, but every river dries up one or the other day. 

So did my tears. I was just staring at my figure in the mirror. I looked pathetic 

Dark bags under my eyes.... my hair was all messed up. I was still in my designer  gucci clothes from last night. I didnt change. Last night mom, Numjoon and I went to that jung-something 's house and we decide the marraige date. Like hell nooo!

Yesterday's memories flashed back in my mind.

How I just ran up to my room,slammed the door, not bothering about the make-up or anything . Just crying was all I did. Mom and num-num even came to check on me but did I respond?  Did I open the door? Nope not at all. 

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