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Nikkie POV

Today is gonna be an awesome day

Uncle hobi us gonna be comming!! Im so exited,

Uncle Hoseok is probebly my favorite person aside from yooni......and num-num.

He always listens to all my problems and was literally my guide to life. If it wasent for him my life would have been all messed up. I would be a spoilt brat who would smoke and drink all day long. He showed me the right path to life. Long story short, he is my sunshine.
The best part is that he is the most funniest uncle on this planet.

He is mummy's one and only younger brother. Hobi uncle deosnt have a mum or dad. They died cause they got too old I guess. His only family was mumma and us........

He too did have a wife and a daughter........but they got divorced 4 years after marraige cause they had a pretty big argument on spending too much money, i guess thats what he told us....she was gold digging and spend a few milions every week.....she took Lilla (my ex-cousin) after divorce. He was pretty heartbroken then...........lilla was a very cute little innocent child. I loved her so much as i didnt have a little sibling. She is probebly 21 right now. All this happend about 17 years ago...he is over it now.

Anyways he lives in New York because his job is pretty big now and he is a pretty famous NYC guy.

Right now I am in the airplane in my dark blue uniform. This filght will land in about 15 minutes or so. Imma pick him up at the airport itself.

▪15 minutes later▪

"Good afternoon passengers, Flight atendent Nikkie speaking, we are currently landing In Seoul, South Korea. Kindly buckle your seatbelts and make sure it is tightly fastened.
The weather in Seoul is nice and sunny about 22°Celsius. Thank you for flying with dreamlifter airways.We hope you have a nice day ahead."

After I said that we felt a bump below us, I quickly went to the flight attendednts special seats. We had now touchdown. Soon we stopped and I could hear the people buzzing about their bags and stuff. Usual for me. I went to door 12. I was assigned there.

"Thank you for flying with dreamlifter airways.We hope you have a nice day ahead."
"Yes thank you" he said with a smile

"Thank you for flying with dreamlifter airways.We hope you have a nice day ahead."

"Thank you for flying with dreamlifter airways.We hope you have a nice day ahead."

Most people smile while others even say thank you. After all the people got down we attendants wrapped up our work and one-by-one all got down.

At the airport I booked a cab as usual,
From behind me I heard a nice familiar voice. A huge smile came up to my lips and I ran to hug my uncle.

"Hobiiii uncleee!"
"Aww..Nilly, look at you all big and beautiful in your work suit. I missed you so much" he said and kissed my forehead.
"Mee tooooo! I missed you a wholllle lottt! Lets go home!"

▪In the cab▪

The driver was sitting behind the steering wheel.
Uncle's luggage was in the trunk and he and i were in the backseat.(Duh😑)

"So, Nikkie....... I heard some bad news,-" uncle said as he started a converstaion

"Mhm, mumma died." I said lowly with tears on the bridge of my eyes

"Ah......But there was something even more bad"

"Yeah, I have to marry some dude." I told him verrrrrrrry sad.

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