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《Flashback Ends》

I called him back. It took around 4-5 rings but he picked up.

"H-hi" I said hesitantly 

"Hey Nikkie, I just wanted to say that your finacé is working under my company and -"

"What?! He works under you?"

"Mhm yup. Anyways wanna meet up sometime?"

"Yeah sure... meet you at the mall at 7:00"

" Sure okay ." With that he ended the call.


Yoongi POV

"Hi yoongi" I turned around to see the most prettiest girl alive. MY girl. Nikkie.

"Hey Nikkie"

"First GUCCI!" She yelled. As usual, the same ol' gucci.

"How about this once...we dont go to gucci?"

"How in the world did you even get the guts to even think of such sin"


"Dont 'what' me...gucci!"

"Hmm....I'll think about it"

"Min yoongi! To gucci right now! This is an order not a request!" she mimicked me. This was sort-of the way I talked to Jungkook just not so giggly and playfully.

"Yes boss" This time I mimicked Jungkook.

We both laughed like 2 teenagers in deep love and obviously went to gucci.

Little did the couple know they were being watched the whole time, by none other than jeon jungkook himself.

Jungkook POV 

I watched the two people roll around in happiness. They looked so happy.

I felt like a relationship-ruiner. My boss already hated me...This was just gonna make him hate me more. And that Nikkie she's.........is so sweet. Yeah..I fell in love with her on the day I met her at the diner. It was love at first sight. But she- she hates me. I know she does. And it hurts. A whole lot. To be honest....at first I didn't even want this marraige, but after meeting her.....I want it.   It's my plus-point that I get to marry her. Not that demon-of-a-boss. He doesn't deserve her. She is just.........impossible to describe. He is too much of an idiot to have her.

 The other day we were in a big crisis at  the company. We had to use our brains and just study the history of a company and we would be out of the crisis.  This idiot did not even understand what Balance Sheet ment or how to calculate percentage. In simple terms he is stupid. This angel did not deserve him. Not at all. She should be with me not with him, this is unfair!

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

I left the mall and came back home. I took off my shoes and dumped myself on my bed. I finally let loose. I Cried. A whole lot

This world has a lot of pain....everything is hella unfair.

I had a picture of her in my wallet. She looks like a barbie doll.

Her perfect  pink plump lips and dark green eyes went together. They looked beautiful. Her dark brown hair that reached right below her shoulders. She was a masterpiece.

No wonder it was love at first sight. This picture itself makes my day better. A samll smile crawled up to my lips when I rememberd seeing her at the diner.

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