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Flight 539 was Nikkie's aircraft.

My whole face drained colour as my hands started trembling with fear. Jimin took notice my shocked state beacuse he quickly grabbed my wrist and and ran to his car. Soon we were off on our way to the airport.

My heart was slamming hard in my chest not to mention all the beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Man, jungkook, calm down. Im sure nothing serious would have happend to her."

"Hopefully" I mumbled under my breath, panic hitting me to the bone.

Soon we were at the airport, which had yellow and black coloured ribbons everywhere. The ribbons had things like 'do not enter' & 'police at work' written on them.

I rushed out of the car slamming the door shut, while jimin closely following behind. There was a whole lot of smoke followed by debris everywhere. Ambulance and police sirens just to add more panic to all the people there. Smoke entered my lungs sending a tingling burning feeling through my body.

Soon I saw a familiar panicked body standing a few feet ahead of me.

"Numjoon hyung!" I screamed, trying to catch his attention. He was here too, probebly trying to find his little sister.

"Jungkook! Have you seen Nikkie!? I heard her flight crashed and-" he tried to make out full words, tears already brimming his eyes. 

"Hyung, I havent seen her yet, they wont let us go inside the crash scene."

Hyung just sadly looked back at me, pain deeply visible.

I looked around the area, I could see many people there, looking for there loved ones, just like me. Smoke and debris were scattered till my eyes could see. Firefighters, police, rescue forces running everywhere....and lastly lots of bodies coverd with white sheets. A huge 'pang' scattered my chest, dreading not to see a girl I knew under one of those sheets. Hyung could see all the stress over my face, as he rubbed my back in order to comfort me, while jimin squeezed my hands.

Around 30 minutes had passed. We were now sitting in the lounge, at the airport. Some people crying while other stressed like us. I saw a figure of a girl running towards us. Scared, panic, and pain written all over her face.

Kim Jisoo.

"Jisoo! Have you seen-" hyung stared but was cut of by her itself.

"Nikkie!? Yes I have! I came to give you her information. She's in ambulance SEDL829.  On her way to her hospital."

"H-hospital!? Wait is she not okay!??"

"During the air-crash she got severely injured, she has a few scars, and is currently fainted, but we have hope." She answered. Dried tears visible on her face.

A wave of relief hit me hard knowing she's alive. She's injured but we have hope......hopefully.

"Lets go then." hyung announced.

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