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JK slowly got up from his break-down spot before he turned insane. He wrapped his lower half up in a fluffy white towel and let his torso be bare.

His teeth were chattering from the icy-cold water. He went upstairs to his room and found nikkie under the covers sleeping like an angel.

He quickly put on his pyjamas and dried his hair. He went downstairs to dry his hair, afraid the nikkie will wake up from the sound. He smiled as A stray tear leaked from his eyes when he stared at the empty hairdryer in his hands.

A few days ago he had dreamed nikkie and him spending quality time. He dreamed about how a wife dries her husbends hair. He pictured Nikkie and him laughing together as she blew-dried his hair, and ruffled it....But that was no more.

He wiped his tears and turned on his phone to check the time.
12:34am....apart from just only the time he even saw his marraige pic as his wallpaper.

He sighed, and with heavy footsteps walked back up to their room.

He took one last look of sleeping Nikkie before he slept himself.


The next morning I woke up at my usual timing. 7:30. I got up to see jungkook silently sleeping beside me.

He looked so darn cute I wanted to pinch his cheeks.
But I held myself recalling last night's events. I just wanna forget them so badly, like they never happend.....but the reality is reality and i cant fuck with that.

He is still sleeping so I guess Imma make breakfast myself. I got up and did my daily shit routines.

I randomly tossed Scrambled Eggs, ate them, and put some on the kitchen island with a small note.

Dear Jungkook,
Good morning, I've made scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Good day!


I really didn't know what else to write, I mean I could have written "love,Nikkie" or atleast drawn a heart.....but um, Nah.

I quickly dropped the pen and rushed out the door, cuz guess who was getting late for work? "Shit" I mumbled before rushing out.

In the cab it suddenly hit me that jungkook and I have the same work timings,

"AW SHIT! HUBBY BOY IS STILL SLEEPING!" I interally screamed. I should have woken him up darrrrn.

Now I was already in the cab.....Darn what shall I do now? Should I call him...he might wake up from the ringtone.....Bruh no way. I can't call him after last night's shit.

I could just use the cab drivers phone and ring him.......I'm so smart 😎.

"Ajhussi, mihnae, but can i use use your phone for a minute? I need to call."
I gave him my sweet eyes and blinked twice....c'mon, it's the first rule of being a women, be sweet and kind and get ur things done 😉.

"Sure sweetheart."

Sweetheart my ass. Got the phone now fuck you.

I quickly dialed his number from my phone and it rung twice before he picked it up.


Couldn't Wait  |JJKWhere stories live. Discover now