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Broken dreams

Nikkie POV (continue)

It was then that I knew, I fucked up.

Jungkook got in himself in and slammed the door shut. Loud 'thuds' kept ringing in my ears of my own heart beat.

The aura around jungkook was really scary like he would blow up any minute. He drove off all aggressively. The whole ride jungkook didn't say a word and kept quite, but I could tell from his face that hell was he angry. I didnt dare open my mouth the whole ride home. It was all my fault. I had just got caught red handed by my husbend while I was with another man. Im so guilty and disgustung but i need to learn to live with this guilt.

We stopped right infront of our house.
This time the home wasent welcoming me like A new bride. It didn't have the same calmness. For some reason I felt like the house itself was unwelcoming me. Jungkook yanked the keys out, slammed the door shut again and stormed into the house.
I got out a few seconds after him. And made my way inside as well.

It was around 10:30 right now.

This is so gonna be bad.

Once I was in, I shut the door behind me and soon I was welcomed by a cold gush of wind that brought shivers down my spine.

I switched on the lights as I inhaled and gulped. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. I took a few steps foreword and looked around....nothing. I was too damn scared to call out his name. I began going up the stairs in search of him. I leaned on the railing and finally got a glimps of him going towards the washroom downstairs.

After I saw him enter I stayed frozen in my spot for a good minute and a half.
Darn dude-

Was he not gonna scold me???
He didn't even look at me the whole time...
Did he not care? No way. He yanked me away probebly cuz he did care.
But he didn't even tell me a word. Wasn't he supposed to scold me??

Shaking off the thoughts I went to my own closet and picked out a comfortable shirt and and pants. I don't wanna go to sleep yet. I had to wait for jeon. I need to say sorry even thou I knew he wouldn't care. I just didnt wanna sleep with a guilt. I knew my sorry wouldnt even do a thing to him, nor change his mind.


I have no clue what I should do. I myself got me into this mess. I fell back on the bed with a 'thud' and grabbed my hairs frustedly. If I say sorry and continue the mistake it will just-


Then it hit me

If num-num got to know that I was seeing Suga I am dead meat.

It had been 45 minutes and Jungkook still wasent back. What was he doing for forty-five   minutes?

I got off my side of the bed and made my way downstairs towards the washroom. As i got close, I could hear the shower running.


Did want to scold me or not? Taking a shower for 45 minutes?

I walked back upstairs and got into the sheets.

I just wasted 45 minutes of my sleep waiting to get scolded.

I didnt think I was right to sleep without him, but I have work tomarrow and my work is my priority. If we needed to talk it's gonna happen tomarrow. I

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