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•••ITS OVER•••

Nikkie POV


Utter scilence.

That one line shocked me right to the bone. I couldn't belive it. Was it actually reality?

"You can visit her"

Numjoon and I rushed to her room with jungkook closely behind us.

"MUMMY!" I yelled! I had already started to tear up.

"Nikkie, Numjoon. Its okay. I know it."

"Mum! Please dont leave us! Papa alredy left! You cant go to! Who will look after Nikkie a I?!" Numjoon asked terrified

"Numjoon, you are my only that son. Please understand-nd me. I d-dont have a coice."

"MUMMY NO!" I screamed

"Sweetie,I heard everything"

"Mum! Wh-at!? You cant l-l-leave us!!!! How w-will i take care of N-nikkie?!"

Numjoon was already crying, so was nikkie. Jungkook was in the corner with jin silently watching the family break into parts.

"Numjoon, Nikkie. Both of you were the most important people of my life."

"MUMMY!" I yelled. I was a sobbing mess right now.

"Nikkie, sweetheart, i dont have enough *cough-cough* time. Listen. Numjoon. Mummy will always be watching from the skies. I will always stay in your soul, mum will never leave you. Stay happy with your love, jin."

"Jin. My son, take good care of my eldest child. He is my soul. Please "
"Yes aunty, i will. Dont you worry."

"Nikkie my baby"
"Ill always be with you, every time.*cough* Just listen to your heart. Numjoon is my soul, but you are*cough-cough* my heart and my world. I am till date proud that you have you daddy's green eyes."
"Today on my last minutes, promise me one thing"

I knew what was gonna happen now. She will ask me to marry that jungkook.


"Buttercup, promise me that you will marry Jungkook after I leave, it's my last wish. Please. *cough-cough* Yoongi is-is not fit for you."


"Baby please! Take*cough-cough* it as my *cough* last wish."

Well fuck.
Heart says no.
Mind says yes.
My mumma was dying.

" Okay mummy, I promise to you that I will marry J-jungkook." I said with a really heavy heart. Tears continuously make their way down my cheeks. I bit my lips hard that it might bleed any second. My obvious dissapointment did not go un-noticed.

"Thanks sweetie,*cough* Jungkook, please take good care of my daughter, I trust you, She means a whole lot to me. *cough-cough*"

"Dont worry, I promise to be a good husbend. I will take care of her." Jungkook answerd her. His heart was fluttering like hell.

(A/N: Hell does not flutter but O.K.)

"*cough-cough* Numjoon, Nikkie...I love you both,*cough-cough* but now... The love of my life is calling me. Im going *gasp* to daddy." She had a really hard time breathing and couldnt even talk well.

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