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••• idk what title to give•••




I couldn't belive it. She Looked at me with GRAY eyes.

(Imagine that it is all puffed up

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(Imagine that it is all puffed up.)

(And cut the "shutterstock.com" thinggy)

It was so scary!!!

She realized my shocked state, quickly wiped her eyes, and soon looked away.
My heart was beating like 10× faster, not cuz She looked super hot with thoose eyes, probably cuz I was scared.

"Oh I'm sorry, my eyes turn gryish-white when I am crying or sleepy." She said in her light voice as she avoided eye-contact.

"Nah, it's fine, um.....are you O.K."
She must think I'm a bitch, obviously she was not O.K. oof....you failed again jungkook. Big fat failure.

She looked at me and nodded signalling she was fine. I stayed shook there.
This time, not cuz I was scared, probably cuz she looked like a full course meal.

Damn, but actually though, She looked like a wolf with those awesome eyes. I didnt know she had some power to change her eyesight. But who am i kiddin, its obviously natural.

Jin was carefully holding numjoon as he approached us slowly.

"Jungkook, take care of nikkie, will ya? I gotta take numjoon and take care of the body. Y'know?"

"Yeah, I understand, funeral and those stuff. Dont worry I will take good care of Nikkie and drop her home "

"Thnx buddy."

After that they left.

Ouiiii! What am I supposed to do now? I hate it when people leave you alone with you crush. 

But she wasent my crush. SHE WAS MY FIANCÉ.
Nope, can't hesitate. I gotta learn how to talk to her. Fuck you harmones! CALM down...

Okay. Let's do this.......no utter failures.............you can do it.

"Uh nikkie...lets go home?" Yeah...no stuttering... perfect............

"Home? My home is not your home." She said harsh words in a soft voice which made it seem like she was trying to start a fight at the same time time not trying to start a fight.

Congratulations Jungkook! You screwed up again.

"Uh no.... I did not mean that, i ment like lemme drop you to your home."


I got in to my car and she got into the passenger seat.
(A/N:That's what it's called right? That front seat with no steering wheel? Idk.)

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