Chapter 2

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"How do you know my name?" Usagi frowned, staring at the four figures before her, wondering whether she should transform into her Senshi form.

"But, Usagi... It is me..." the dark haired figure replied.

"This is not Usagi," another figure said, placing a hand gently on the dark-haired figure's shoulder. This stranger was shorter, red-haired, and - to Serenity's surprise - she seemed to be pregnant. "I think this is someone... related to her."

The red-haired woman approached Serenity slowly, and then bowed down before her:

"I am Queen Kakyuu from the planet Neo Kinmoku," she said, her voice sounding like gentle music. The Princess found it soothing, and she suddenly felt calmer, without being sure why. "The women in my escort are my guardians, Sailor Starfighter, Starhealer and Starmaker. I apologize for having arrived unannounced like this, but I need to speak to Neo Queen Serenity. We are old friends."

"Oh... Mother and father told me about you," Neo Princess Serenity nodded and smiled, feeling relieved. "You fought evil Galaxia together." She now seemed to remember seeing these people before, perhaps they visited Crystal Tokyo many, many years ago.

This is when she also bowed down slightly and introduced herself: "My name is Neo Princess Lady Serenity of Crystal Tokyo. Nice to make your acquaintance."

Then they heard a deep voice yelling: "Stay where you are!"

Sailor Starfighter felt the blood in her veins freezing as she recognized that voice. Uranus.

"It is alright, Lady Uranus!" Lady Serenity yelled, to prevent any rushed attacks, as she knew Uranus's way was often of the type "hit first, ask questions later". "They are friends!"

About a dozen guards were with Sailor Uranus as their leader appeared before them. As soon as Lady Uranus recognized the "intruders", she smiled, showing the rest of the guards that it was a false alarm. They all relaxed a bit.

"You could've called," she said with a big grin on her face.

"I apologize for having arrived unannounced, Lady Uranus," Kakyuu bowed down in the sign of apology. "But it is urgent. Might I have a word with the Neo Queen and the King?"

"Naturally," Uranus nodded. Then she turned to the Neo Princess: "You and I are going to have a word about security, young lady. Where are your guardians? You were lucky that these... guests... were friends indeed."

"Hey!" Usagi pouted. "I can defend myself!"

"I'm sure you can," Lady Uranus replied. "Especially after you and your guardians have neglected your training for quite a while."

This remark made Usagi blush, and brought a smile to Starfighter's face. So she really was Bunny's daughter.

Lady Uranus transformed back into her civilian form, now wearing a long, navy blue gown.

"It is safe for you to transform back, as well," she spoke, looking at the Starlights. "I imagine those leather outfits of yours can't be too comfortable." Uranus noticed that Kakyuu was obviously pregnant, but chose not to ask about it at this time.

There was a sign of sarcasm in her voice that drove Starfighter mad. As if nothing had changed in all those years. Still, she had to admit that Uranus' comment made sense. Fukus were practical, but rarely incredibly comfortable when worn for a longer period of time. So she transformed back, revealing her civilian form from Kinmoku. She no longer needed to take a body of a man, like she did during her first visit to the Earth, so her civilian form was also a woman - one wearing a tight red dress with a few golden accessories, and her hair was no longer tied in her typical ponytail. Instead it was falling down her back, with only a few colorful clasps above her ears preventing it from getting into her eyes.

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