Chapter 8

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Pluto stalked the kingdom. She paced back and forth around the place, trying to figure out what she knows. What has she done? All of this chaos... The death of the Queen.

Her heart stopped for Serenity. She was a good friend for Setsuna. The grief from loosing the Queen and also a good friend tore Pluto in half. If she would have delt with the problem properly, maybe all of the Senshi wouldn't be worried about dying. Setsuna didn't want to die just as much as the others. Yes, maybe Small Lady is ready to take the throne but she needs more time.


Pluto stopped. Her anger grew and spread through every vein in her body. Time. It is always about time.


"Where is Usagi?" The blue haired Quartet asked her sisters.

The four sisters sat in Neo Princess Serenity's room, waiting for her to come back with answers. Since they had gotten the news that Helios was missing, their stomached turned. Small Lady had grown close to him in the past week and they knew this would kill her. With the death of her parents in several days apart, this couldn't help her at all. Helios was Usagi's rock.

Ceres moved her shoulders. "I don't know."

"What if she doesn't find him?" Juno asked another question.

"I don't know." Ceres answered again.

Juno put her finger to her chin and thought some more. "What if Usagi..."

"I. Don't. Know." Ceres answered again. Juno turned her head away from her tempered headed sister. She crossed her tiny arms and mumbled to herself.

Pallas fell back against the bed. She bounced a bit from the springs in the bed. The three other girls moved up a bit from the bounce. "She has to be coming back soon."

"If she is coming with the baby, it may take awhile." Vesta reminded her.

Juno's stubborn mood evaporated in a second. "Will we be able to take care of the baby?"

"I assume we will since Usagi will be busy ruling the kingdom." Ceres answered Juno with a straight answer.

The four became quiet again at the thought of their friend being Queen. They have to step up their game to guard the Queen of the Moon Kingdom. The Sailor Scouts had done an amazing job for the belated Queen. All of them were able to keep Neo Queen Serenity alive along with the Silver Millennium. The Quartet would have to do the same for their Usagi.

A loud sigh came out of Pellas as she laid on Princess Serenity's bed. The others did the same and sat for a bit longer as they waited.


Neo Princess Serenity walked in front of Seiya into the kingdom of Kinmoku. As she walked with her head high, her eyes wondered around the palace. It was... Different. The palace that Usagi was used to had white marble columns, glass everywhere, and it shined like diamonds. This place seemed more like in ruins. The walls had burns in several spots. The floor was cracked like something heavy had been dropped on the once pretty marble. Usagi came up to a set of stairs. Pieces of the marble steps were gone and it also had cracks. Lifting up her dress, Small Lady took each step carefully.

As she reached the second floor, Usagi realized it was just as bad as the first. The Princess studied the walls but a scream caught her off guard.

Seiya bolted down the long hall. "Princess Kakyuu!"

Neo Princess Serenity followed behind the Starlight. Seiya stopped at a door way and walked in. Taking a deep breath, Usagi prepared for the worst.

As she peaked her red eyes around the corner, she noticed a large bed in the middle of a room. It was a royal red and gold blossoms were structure onto it. The room also matched the bed spread. Gold cherry blossoms were painted on the walls and the furniture. Usagi realized that it was the same pattern she saw the Kinmoku Princess wearing.

Sitting on the sides of the bed, the Starlights were there to comfort their Princess. The two Starlights, Maker and Healer, were dressed in their dresses and their real identity as women. StarFighter, Seiya, was the odd ball out in her male disguise. But like her friends, she sat next to Princess Kakyuu. They all held her hand. Usagi guessed that her husband was on the other side of her. He was holding her hand also.

The Princess's heart broke as the scene reminded her of her parents.

"How are you, Princess?" Seiya asked Princess Kakyuu.

She turned her head and looked at StarFighter with love. Even close to death, the Princess still had the same elegance. "I am find now that I have my family together."

StarFighter put her head on the bed. She didn't trust herself to look at her Princess. There was too much sadness in her heart.

Princess Kakyuu turned to her husband. "Go get my cherry blossom."

"Kakyuu..." He warned her.

Her face turned into a plead. "I need to show her to StarFighter and let Neo Princess Serenity do her job."

By hearing her name, Usagi was brought back to the present. Five pairs of eyes were looking at her for any kind of movement. The Moon Princess nodded her head. "I would love to see the baby."

Princess Kakyuu's husband walked by Usagi and went into another room. The others waited in the bedroom. The silence was louder than anything, Small Lady thought to herself.

As he walks in, Usagi couldn't help but gasp. There was a reason why the baby was called "cherry blossom" by her mother. The baby's hair was a light color but with a bit of pink shine. It wasnt anywhere near as dark as Usagi's. It was more of a light pink that could be almost white. The baby blinked at the Princess, letting her look into her gold eye. They were brilliant against the pale hair. Her skin was almost as white as her hair but with a tent of tan to it. It was a child Neo Princess Serenity could see ruling the kingdom of Kinmoku.

Princess Fireball reached for her daughter. The newborn looked happily at her mother and snuggled closer to her mother's warm chest. For a second, it looked like the dying Princess was healed from the love between them two.

"My cherry blossom." The Princess chooed to the baby.

Everyone in the room was mesmerized by the tender moment of the mother and child. It was beautiful. Usagi could feel the love radiating off of them.

"Neo Princess Serenity?" Princess Kakyuu called out without looking up from her child.

Usagi walked closer to the bed. She stood next to Princess Kakyuu's husband. "Yes, your Majesty?"

This time, she locks eyes with the Moon Princess. "This is Cherri. She is now your pride and joy like she is my and Shirohi's. Please give her the love I wish I could give her."

"Princess Kakyuu..." Usagi cried but was cut off.

"Please, I need you. Princess, you are the future if the Universe and I need your help to keep everything I love alive. Do you understand?"

The smooth words felt like music to her ears. Princess Serenity nodded her head yes.

Princess Kakyuu reached out her arms and Cherri was handed off to Usagi. The golden eye baby looked up into the red eyes of Small Lady. For he first time in days, she left the happiest feeling ever.

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