Chapter 22

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The scene of the sunset took Neo Queen Serenity, King Endymion, Sailor Scouts, and Seiya back a century ago.

They all stood together in a group and hugged their friends goodbye. Seiya had gotten the news that Star Maker, Star Healer, and Princess Kaykuu were back to normal. He had to leave on the next shuttle to his Kingdom to make Princess Cherri to her mother.

Usagi held Princess Cherri one last time. The now large toddler hugged her back and smiled a white toothed smile. The two held each other for a moment as Seiya hugged the other Sailors goodbye. He saved his Meatball Head last.

Neo Queen Serenity looked up at her good friend. Her heart pounded a bit faster and she could feel her breathing go crazy. Deep down, she knew her and Seiya had a deep connection. Her heart would always belong to him and her husband. Without saying a word, Serenity wrapped her arms around his neck. They hugged tighter as the second went by.

"Be safe, Usagi." Seiya whispered in her ear.

"Be happy, Seiya." The Neo Queen cried as she whispered to him. They slowly back away and she went into Mamoru's arms.

As Seiya took Princess Cherri from Usagi, Atropos took her turn. "Thank you so much for saving my universe. I don't know how I could repay you."

The Neo Princess hugged her new friend. "No. You don't have to."

Atropos nodded and backed away from her to join Seiya and the Princess at the shuttle. Before leaving, the three waved at their friends. The Royal Family and the Scouts waved back at them.

As the sun set, the shuttle took off to force. Everyone watched until it faded off into a star.

"I will miss them." Usagi whispered to herself.

Pallas hugged her friend and Princess by her neck. "You still have us though!"

Lady Venus pointed her finger and stuck her tongue. "You can't get rid of us that easily, Small Lady!"

The name usually bothered her but this time, it comforted Usagi. Helios wrapped his arm around her waist. "They're right. We aren't leaving."

As the Neo Princess looked around her family, she smiled. "I wouldn't want to get rid of you anyways. Who would boss me around to practice or to clean?"

They all laugh together and head towards the Kingdom. The stars shined bright on them.

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