Chapter 11

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"It don't want to even celebrate my birthday tomorrow." Usagi complained with a hint of sadness.

Lady Mars brushed through the Princesses pink hair. It was already long like her mother's when she was Usagi's age. "It will be the best thing for the Kingdom. There is so much grief. They- we- need to have a distraction."

Neo Princess Serenity could feel the lump forming in her throat. Tears burned her eyes but she decided to fight back. "Helios promised to be there for me. Now... He's gone."

"Your friends will still be there." Lady Rei said. Mars knew how much it hurt to see her love one gone. She missed her General with every ounce of her heart when he had to go away to fight.

"It is Mother's birthday too..." Lady Serenity trailed off.

Lady Mars sighed. "I know."

"I miss her." Usagi admitted. Her mother was her guide and as her daughter, she admired the beautiful Neo Queen. "I miss Father too."

Mars sat quietly on Usagi's bed as she brushed her hair more. "I miss them too." She finally admitted.


Atropos slid her eyes to look over at the pale haired boy. She could tell her powers were greatly showing improvement. The boy was completely under her spell.


He turned to her. His light blue eyes were like ice. "Yes, Atropos?"

She smiled sweetly at him. "We are going to a party tomorrow do get ready."

"For what, Atropos?" Helios asked.

She smiled at his innocence. Atropos slowly walked up to Helios and cupped his face with her hands. She said the word slowly so it could sink into his brain. Looking straight into his blue eyes, Atropos said "Revenge."


"You never told me about the Galaxy Cauldron." King Endymion said to Hetal. He had finally calmed down after a few days and now sat with his knees up. Mamoru's arms were propped on his knees.

Hetal stood with her back to him. She acted as if she never heard him.

"Hetal." The King demanded. He knew how to talk to people when he wanted something.

"It's dying."

Her voice was barely above a whisper. As King Endymion watched her closely, he could see her body trembling. Her hands were balled up into two white fists. Mamoru's eyebrows crunched together. "What?"

"The Galaxy Cauldron. It's dead." Hetal turned to look at Mamoru. "The stars are dying out, foolish King. Don't you see? Chaos has poisoned the Galaxy Cauldron. One by one, each star is dying out. It does not matter about the age, everyone is going to die."

"But... Usagi's power made it to where their lifespans lasted for centuries." King Endymion argued.

Hetal shook her head. "Even the Millennium Crystal will not stop this."

Mamoru starred at her. Hetal had to be lying. The Millennium Crystal is one of the most powerful sources in the universe. When Usagi was fighting, she destroyed Chaos with her pure light.

"She put Chaos away. There is a difference." Hetal corrected him.

"How did Chaos get out then?" The King demanded.

Hetal turned her back on him once more. "I need to go back. Guardian Cosmos is slowly loosing her power. The two of us will slow down the pace of the stars."

Before Hetal disappeared to leave, she turned back and looked at the handsome young man. "Keep watching over them. Maybe your daughter will find the strength to do what her mother did."


In Pluto's hand, her talisman laid lifeless in her hand.

From grief, Sutsuna bowed her head. "I have failed at being the Guardian of Time."

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