Chapter 7

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Lady Serenity threw another lamp at the wall. The vase exploded into tiny prices that gleamed in the light. The top shade part of it hit the ground and rolled. The Princess cried out loud as tears poured down her face. Her arm wipes across her desk and a few tiny nick nacks fall onto the floor. Not feeling any relief from the mess she was making, Usagi ran to her side table. On top of it was another light, an alarm clock, and a picture. Her red eyes go wide as Lady Serenity studies the picture. Her mom and dad had taken the picture when she visited them in the 21st century. They were sitting under a tree with a pink haired little girl between them. Her mom and dad were both smiling wide and laughing like she had done something funny.

The Princess grabbed the frame and hugged it to her chest. Tears fell off her face and onto the picture frame. Her sobs came out loud and her breath were coming out shakey.

From behind her, there was a soft knock on the door. Without turning her head, Usagi said without emotion "Come in."

Juno walked in first with Pallas, Ceres, and Vesta behind her. The four friends looked around at the broken glass and things on the ground. Ignoring the questions they had, Vesta was the first to speak. "Usagi... We have news,"

"Yes?" Lady Serenity asked. She finally turned to look at the Quartet square in the eyes. It reminded them of a powerful Queen and the belated Neo Queen Serenity.

"It's... It's Helios." Pallas admitted to her friend with hesitation. "We got word from Star Maker that he never made it."

Neo Princess Serenity's brows crunched together. Impossible. "I watched him get onto the ship. He left for their kingdom."

Ceres shook her head to disagree. "His spaceship made it to their landing pad. But inside of it, the spaceship was empty. Helios was gone."

Usagi stood there got a moment. Her breaths came out slowly as the information came to her. Helios was kidnapped. "I have to go."

Before Lady Serenity could run out of her room, Juno put out her arm to stop her. "You cannot go by yourself. With the Queen and King being dead, you have to be protected. We are going with you."

"I do not need protection." Usagi fumed. "I can do this on my own."

"No. We are coming with you." Ceres argued. They all stood there and barricaded the Princess from leaving.

She looked at them stubbornly. "Fine. I will just..."

"I will escort the Neo Princess Serenity to my kingdom." Seiya interrupted the fight. "It will be my honor and duty."

The five girls looked at the man with open mouths and wide eyes. They hasn't seem Star Fighter in her male form very much. She had also came out of no where.

"Are you sure, Star Fighter?" Usagi asked her mother's friend.

He nodded. "Please, call me Seiya when I'm in my male form."

Lady Serenity nodded and walked through Pallas, Ceres, Juno, and Vesta. She and Seiya walked side by side down the hall together. By looking at his face, Usagi could tell that Seiya had been crying for a long time. He was mourning the lose of her mother too. She had heard about their romance a few times but the story was never mentioned around her father. Usagi also knew that Seiya was still in love with her mom. Or was.

"We can take one of your space ships." Seiya suggested to Neo Princess Serenity to break the silence.

Usagi shook her head no. "I need to work on my powers more. If there is evil coming, I need to be as strong as possible for anything that could come our way. So we can travel to your kingdom with the transportation power."

Star Fighter hestiated. He knew the Princess wasn't used to using her powers from the Silver Millennium but Seiya decided to let Lady Serenity to have her way. "That sounds fine to me. But if we bring back Princess Kakyuu's baby back, we will have to use the shuttle Helios rode in."

Usagi's stomach flipped at thought of bring in the same place where Helios disappeared. "Okay. Sounds good.

The two stopped in the hall and turned to face each other. Last Serenity reached for Seiya's hands. She closed her eyes and he mimicked the same thing. Usagi let her power build inside of her. A bright aura formed around her body as the power grew. New to the whole thing, Seiya went to his Star Fighter side. Even though his power was weakening, he was still able to build it up enough to have a faint glow around him.

Together, they both yelled. "Sailor Transportation Power!"

When they opened their eyes, Seiya and Lady Serenity were floating in a large bubble. Below them was a large kingdom. It was older looking than the Crystal Tokyo that Usagi was used to. Princess Kakyuu's kingdom seemed it it was in ruins but slowly becoming rebuilt. She tried to think back to remember if Chaos had tried to destroy it but the Princess couldn't remember.

"Home." Seiya sighed as they came up to a large building. It was an odd looking castle. It had several different buildings connected to it and sky walks running to each building. It looked more future like than the modern day skyscrapers

The shuttle stopped inside one of the buildings that connected to main building. The ship slowly came to a hauls next to another spaceship that was the one Helios used. Seiya opened the door for the Neo Princess. Their feet touched ground.


It was a dreamless sleep he was in. He was in nothing. His body just floated as he felt himself come back to the world. He thought of nothing, cared about no one. For an odd reason, he felt different.


Nothing came to him, not even a memory or a name. Something was driftnet but how could it be different from something when there was nothing to compare it to. He head spun in circles as his eyes opened. He was laying on a cold floor. It felt good against his skin and he felt comfort in it. A sigh came out of his mouth as he used his arms to push himself up. The muscles ached like he was badly beated or they had been worked too much. Ignoring the tiny pain, he sat up to look around the empty room. It was dim. A blinding light was shinning from above him. Because of the light, he couldn't see walls or a door.

Or the black figure that had been watching him for hours.

"You are alive."

He turned his head around. "Who is there?"

A laugh came from his other side and he whipped his head around again. "I am Atropos, your wife."

No memory came to him of his wedding or dating a girl. "My... My wife?"

A girl stepped out from the shadows and into the light. She let out a breath.

Atropos flicked a price of her short white out of her face. It was cut to shape her perfectly. Her ivy green eyes sparkled against her tan skin and hair. All of her features made her eyes stand out the most. She was tall and looked like a normal girl. Of at least he thought was normal. Atropos spoke up. "You were kidnapped by the Moon kingdom and they removed your memory."

He felt sadness when she saw her face turn pleasantly beautiful to grief. "Why?"

She took a few more steps to him and bent down next to him in the light. Her tan fingers softly touched his face as she touched his cheek. "They were jealous of the love we had."

"Who am I?" He asked while he stared into her eyes. He felt as if he was home and belonged right there.


To his surprise, the name didn't ring a bell. He just nodded to agree with his wife. "I don't understand why they would do that."

Atropos shrugged and blinked her eyes at him. "They are mean creatures and selfish. When one of them see something they want, they have to have it. They almost killed you because of it!"

That explains the aching muscles, Helios thought to himself. "What will we do?"

Her face brightened into a smile. "Revenge."

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