Chapter 20

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Mamoru sat in his tears as he watched his daughter die. Like her mother, she had died from saving the people she loved.

"Why does this have to happen?" He cried to himself.

"You can save her."

King Endymion turned to see Hetal. Instead of her usual peppy self, she looked tired and like she aged 30 centuries. Desperately, he asked. "How?"

"Use your power." She answered him. "You will suffer the consequences though."

As Hetal left him alone again, Mamoru though about the consciences. In his mind, he could think of any negative things that could come from him using his life power. He would be with his wife again and his daughter would be alive.

Kind Endymion held out his hand and he put off of his power in it. The gold crystal appeared in his hand and floated with a golden glow. In a quiet voice, Mamoru said "This is for you, my Small Lady."


Sailor Tyche stood up and the dirt fell from her. "The Neo Princess is dead?"

The only thing that answered her were the cries from the Quartet. The four sisters sat together in a huddle and held each other. Their hearts were broken and their princess was gone.

"I am the most powerful Scout in the entire space now!" Sailor Tyche screamed. She held her hands in the hair and they glowed black.

As Helios looked down the broach her had broken off of Sailor Moon, he though about how it looked familiar. The white sparkly dust was nowhere in with the dirt and was blowing the wind. He looked up the see the dead Neo Princess.

Helios's breath was taken away from him. The site if her made the Princess look like she was sleeping. Her pink hair was spread across the ground and her pink dress laid softly on the ground. Helios want to reach out and touch the beautiful pink girl.

A memory flashed across his mind. He rolled over in a bed to find that same Neo Princess beside him. She was sleeping heavily. The memory made him smile.

Royal Advisor Helios looked up at his wife, or so he thought. Had she lied to him? Was he just a pawn to her scene to kill the Neo Princess from the Moon? Guilt washed over him.

Suddenly, a bright gold light blinded his eyes. He held his arm over his eyes. The Quartet looked over at their Princess and gasped. The golden light transformed her back into her Eternal form and her eyes blinked.

"Sailor Moon?" Sailor Vesta whispered with tears in her eyes.

Eternal Sailor Moon sat up and looked around. "What happened?"

"King Endymion's power saved you." Helios blurted out. His hand covered his mouth once the last word was out. Who is King Endymion? How did he know that?

Sailor Tyche realized that her power on Helios was slowly wearing away from the power of the Millennium Crystal and the Golden Crystal. She walked over to Helios by his throat. "How could you save her?"

Helios looked at her like she was crazy. "I... I didn't?"

Tyche threw him to the ground once more and looked at Eternal Sailor Moon. Before she could open her mouth to say something, Sailor Moon held out her Moon Power Tiare. "Pink Eternal Moon Kiss!"

Sailor Tyche was thrown again against the ground but this time, the power from Sailor Moon felt diffrent. It was stronger.

Eternal Sailor Moon stood up. Her hair and outfit rippled from the new power her father gave her. A pink and gold aura glowed from her skin and shined bright. She hold up her hand. "Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss!"

All up the Quartet stood from the ground and held their hand up. Their lights swirled together. Ice formed in the air then came down at Sailor Tyche. She weakly rolled over and the ice hit the tree. The Sailor's chest was moving fast as Tyche's breathing became harder. "Please. Stop."

Sailor Tyche got up on her knees and held her hands like she was going to say a prayer. "Just... Just kill me now. I don't want to fight."

Sailor Moon walked over to Sailor Tyche and left her circle of friends. "You shouldn't have this evil power, Tyche. Your heart is much too golden for this." She pointed her pink tiare at Tyche. "Pink Eternal Moon Healing!"

As the pink glow healed Tyche, it transformed her back to her civilian look. The black leather outfit disappeared and the black tunic dress came back. The one thing that stayed away was the dark necklace the hung around her neck.

Atropos looked up at Sailor Moon with fear. "Please. Don't hurt me!"

Eternal Sailor Moon smiled down at her. She held out her white gloved hand. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Before Atropos grabbed Sailor Moon's hand, a booming voice went through the atmosphere of Earth. "You fool! Now it is my turn to kill the Millennium Crystal!"

The sky swirled around as a ripple of darkness spread across the sky. from the looks of it, someone would think a tornado was coming. Thunder roared as lightning cracked the sky. The clouds swirled faster.

Sailor Moon turned around to see a pair of red eyes looking down at her. The red eyes narrowed down at Eternal Sailor Moon with pure hatred. The black clouds made it look like a form of a woman with wavy hair was looking down on her. The hair moved with the clouds and swirled. As the woman extended her arms, a large amount if evil power came towards Sailor Moon.

The Quartet screamed "Sailor Moon!" in union as she held out her Moon Power Tiare.

The lightning like a black attack came straight for the pink Scout. She held out her Moon Power Tiare up to the sky and got in position to fight. Sailor Moon closed her eyes and took in a breath. Then in a loud voice, Eternal Sailor Moon yelled "Pink Eternal Moon Crystal Power!"

A pink bubbled formed around her Moon Power Tiare as her light grew. The glow reached around her. The Quartet shielded their eyes from the bright power as Atropos looked in awe at her Savior. The glow reached across the Kingdom and even farther.

As Eternal Sailor Moon held her place, she could feel the dark power of Chaos pounding on her glow. Her arms felt like they were jello but still, she kept fighting. As she closed her eyes, Sailor Moon pulled more power from her to attack Chaos. Her hair was straight back behind her. Sailor Moon put her head down like she was straining to stay up. Her white boots were slowly sliding on the grass and she could feel her knees slowly going week.

Chaos came closer down the Earth and opened up her late mouth. The black clouds closed in on Sailor Moon. The dark sky swallowed the Sailor and her pink light.

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