Chapter 21

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Eternal Sailor Moon opened her big red eyes. She blinked a couple times to try to get used to the darkness but then she realized, she was in the darkness. Chaos had somehow consumed the pink Neo Princess and took her God-knows-where.

As Usagi floated in the air, her pink skirt rippled and the ribbons tied to her waist tickled her skin. As she looked around, she realized there was a pair of red eyes on her. "Are you the one haunting my dreams?" Sailor Moon asked to the red eyes.

An outline of a woman came into view. Her black wavy hair was going in every direction but it seemed to slowly move. Chaos's body wasn't much of an object. It was smokey like and faded in and out as she moved. Chaos walked around Sailor Moon like a predictor. "I would like to prefer to call it a 'check up.'"

Neo Princess Serenity's body shook from Chaos's voice. It was chilling. "Why are you doing this?"

"I need to make sure your decedents will never kill me, Lunar child." Chaos answered back. Her smoky black hand ran against her check and her her neck. "Of course, we can always make a deal."

"A deal?" Sailor Moon narrowed her eyes. She remembered one night when her father had day on her bed. He would tell her stories of the great Sailor Moon, which was her mother. The stories ended up giving Small Lady lessons. One lesson was to never take deals from the bad people.

"I can give you the world." Chaos started. She walked around Sailor Moon and she turned her head to watch her. "You can have everything back. Family, friends, your love..."

Usagi studied Chaos's eyes. "What is the down side?"

"Down side!" Chaos let out a laugh. From the outline, Neo Princess Serenity could see the villain throwing her head back for a laugh. "You join my side."

"The darkness?" Sailor Moon whispered. The temptation tasted sweet to her. Usagi thought of all the power she could have but most of all, she longed to see the people she loved.

Chaos's black hands softly touched Sailor Moon's shoulders. "Think. Me... You... Your family... All on the same side. We can live forever."

"Forever?" And just like that, Usagi was back into that trace. She wanted that light. To have Helios forever and to see all of her descents live.

Chaos held out her smokey hand. It waved in and out. "Do we have a deal?"

Another memory popped through Sailor Moon's head. She was back in the 20th century and was Small Lady again. With her toy Luna rolling at he feet, she looked into the eyes of Wiseman. His multicolor hand was held out to her. As Small Lady reached out to shake on his evil deal, she transformed into one of the Nemesis, Black Lady. It took Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask's love to change her back to her good self.

Later, she fought by her mother's side to defeat Wise Man. They were a team. They could fight anyone and Sailor Moon knew her mother would be there in the end.

Eternal Sailor Moon looked Chaos straight in the eyes and kept her head even. "I have my own world."

Chaos's eyes narrowed at Sailor Moon. Before she could destroy the pink haired Rabbit, a pink light came from Sailor Moon's crescent on her forehead. As the glow became stronger, Sailor Moon yelled in a loud voice. "I, and my children, will never be weakened by your power. Pink Eternal Moon Crystal Power!"

As the pink light blinded Chaos, Usagi felt her eyes go heavy and her body become weightless.


From the ground, the Quartet and Atropos watched the clouds above. They could hear the rumbling of the thunder. Lightning sparked in the clouds and it lit up.

"What do you think is happening?" Sailor Juno asked out loud to no particular person.

Sailor Ceres shrugged. "I don't know."

A groan escaped from Helios's mouth as he rolled over. His body hurt from the attacks and throw he had to suffer from. As he opened his eyes, he saw five pairs of eyes on him. "Where... Where is Usagi?" He breathed out.

Pallas looked over at Sailor Vesta. She sighed and looked down at her red skirt. "Chaos took her. They... They are up there."

As they all look up again, they watch as the clouds slowly turn pink. The light poked out from tiny spots of the cloud like the sun was behind it. Then in a flash, the light was gone. A tiny movement came from the cloud as Sailor Moon fell through.

"No!" The Quartet screams together.

Atropos jumped to her feet then fell against the tree for support. "Sailor Moon!"

Helios looked up at his pink Princess falling. He slowly pushed himself off the ground and stood up with confidence. A pair of white wings spread out from his back with elaborate white feathers all over it. Helios bent his knees and jumped up in the air. As his wings flapped himself up to the sky. With his arms reached out, Helios yelled "Usagi!"

Eternal Sailor Moon's unconscious body fell faster. As the wind rushed through her pink hair, her eyes fluttered open. The ground was rushing toward her face. As she opened her mouth to scream, she felt her body being caught. Sailor Moon blinked a couple time to make sure it wasn't a mirage. Helios, her love, was holding her in his arms with large white wings making them float in air.

As they land on the ground, Usagi jumps on him and hugs Helios with her arms wrapped around his neck. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks. She pulled her head back to smile at him. Sailor Moon quickly leaned her head towards his and their lips touched. As they kissed, Helios's arms held her tightly to him.

When they pull back, Helios smiles at Neo Princess Serenity. "I love you."

"I love you too." Sailor Moon whispered to him.

"Small Lady."

They both turned to see Neo Queen Serenity standing in her usual white dress and her arms open. King Endymion stood by her side in his purple suit. Behind them stood the Inner and Outer Scouts. All of their faces were bright and smiling. All of them were proud to see their Neo Princess working hard to save the world like her mother.

Sailor Moon pulled away from Helios to run into the arms of her mother. Her father joined in the hug as the other chocked back tears. Looking up at her parents and friends, Usagi asked with years in her eyes "How did this happen?"

"It is because of you, Neo Princess Serenity."

They all looked up to have their attention on two woman. A woman with pale white hair tied back and light tan skin stood tall. Her dress puffed out and tied at the end. She wore a crown with a long white veil that flowed the ground. A bright white glowed around her. The other woman was blonde too but wore a gold fuku like a Sailor.

"Guardian of Cosmos." Neo Queen Serenity whispered to herself.

"It is nice seeing you again, Neo Queen." The Guardian of Cosmos said with a bright smile. "Your daughter is the reason why all of you are here right now.

The other woman nodded. "From the power of Neo Princess Serenity, she was able to make Chaos return back to the past to be put away by you, Neo Queen. By doing that, the Galaxy Cauldron was saved and return back to its old self. All of the universes and planets that were poisoned by its evil, they all all saved. Including yours, Atropos."

Atropos dropped her ran and and bowed down to the two woman. "Thank you."

Mamoru stepped up to the women. "What about the Time Gate?"

"It will go back to Pluto." The gold Sailor answered. "It was not your fault Chaos time traveled, Satsuna. It had found a time loop of its own."

Sailor Pluto nodded for a thanks.

"Thank you so much, Hetal." King Endymion told the gold Sailor with pure gratitude.

"It was my pleasure, King." Hetal said with a wide smile.

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