Chapter 9

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To Mamoru, it felt like most of his time was spent crying now. People have seen him as a tough man and he even found it surprising. The King couldn't help himself. He had to cry for his wife and daughter. King Endymion cried for the people that he loved.

"I want to see my wife." He commanded to Hetal.

The blonde shook her head behind his back. Her hands were together and rubbing in circles from nerves. Hetal had returned back from Galaxy Cauldron to see how he was doing. Fortunately, it was right when the King watched his wife die. "You know you can't do that."

Mamoru turned around to look at the woman. A tear rolled down his face. His anger was growing and his fist were in fight balls. The knuckles were white. "I don't care! I need to see her!"

"King Endymion..."

The King moved his arm to hush her. He didn't want to ear the yellow Senshi's excuses. It didn't matter now. His love was gone and Mamoru was stuck here, alone. "Why did you even take me here?"

Hetal bowed her head to cover any expression she has.

"I am stuck here! I cannot see my daughter. I wasnt there for my wife. How could you do this to me?" King Endymion screamed at the blonde. She continued to look down. Her fingers toyed with her yellow skirt.

Mamoru ran to Hetal. His hands gripped her wrist. She finally looked up at him to meet his eyes. Now, the King realized the blonde was crying too. "I rather die a million times than be stuck here. I have to watch everyone die! I am miserable."

"And now you see what I see." Hetal tells back at him. Her hands jerk away from him and she takes a step back.

Mamoru looked at the woman. Her riddles confused him. Hetal Is never mad. Why was she acting like this? Why can't she give straight answers? What is Hetal hiding?

The woman walks away from the mournful King. She paces back and forth.


Atropos watching from her planet at the blue planet. Her angered burned from jealousy. That bright light was do powerful. It destroyed everything she made and almost her. She balled up her fist. A sinister laugh escaped her lips.

"What is so funny, Atropos?" The loud voice asked from behind her.

"That white light is dead now. And I have a big piece to the chess set. I can win this war."

"It is not..."

"Time!" Atropos finished off for the deep voice. "No. Your wrong. I grow stronger everyday from your powers. That pink girl has nothing on me."

"Just wait. Helios will come in handy soon. Then you will be able to destroy the Moon family."

Atropos smiled. "Yes. And we will rule the universe."


Seiya walked behind Princess Serenity to the shuttle. Princess Cherri was already asleep in Usagi's arms. After the tearful goodbyes, Princess Kaykuu kissed her daughter for the last time. Usagi could feel the responsibility in her arms.

"If you need to, you can stay here with your Princess, Seiya." Neo Princess Serenity told her bodyguard.

Seiya shook his head. Princess Kaykuu had also said her goodbye to him along with StarHealer and StarMaker. "Your my princess now, Usagi. I am here to protect you."

Princess Serenity looks up at Seiya. They both quietly go into the shuttle and take off toward Crystal Tokyo.

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