Chapter 16

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Usagi rolled over on the ground. She moved her arm across the dirt. It stuck to her white glove and made it look dirty. As her eyes slowly opened, Eternal Sailor Moon realized she was sleeping in dirt.

She pushed herself up. The dirt had stained her white and pink outfit. Her white wings on her back were the only things that were still pure white. As she stood up, Usagi dusted off the dirt.

"Hello, Moon Princess."

Eternal Sailor Moon whipped her head up. Her pink hair tossed back and forth. I'm in another dream, right?

"You are very smart, Lunar Princess."

Usagi frowned. These dreams were starting to get on her nerves. She flexed her hands into a fist. Her feet shifted in the dirt as she positioned herself for an attack. Why are you hidding?

"Why are you in defense mode? Are you afraid I am an enemy?"

It was mocking, Sailor Moon realized. I know you are an enemy, she though back to the person. If you weren't an enemy, why would you be haunting me in my dreams?

"For all you know, I could be your beloved mother."

Her breath stopped. No, her mother was dead. Also she knew her mother's voice and how her pitches rang with each emotion. This wasn't her mother. This voice was different. Like their was a dark force controlling it.

"Give me what I want and you can live in peace."

Usagi shook her head. What do you want?

"The Millennium Crystal."

She opened her red eyes and raised her head up. The Millennium Crystal was her everything and she would never give it over that quickly. Never! She yelled in her head.

A hiss escaped from the person. A bright red light shinned down on Sailor Moon. She shelled her eyes to look up. The red light seemed to come from above and it was too bright to actually find the source.


As she opened her eyes, her body felt like it was numb. Usagi woke up to see a pair of gold eyes. The white pink hair was hanging down in Princess Cherri's face. "Usagi!" She said again.

The Neo Princess smiled at the child. "You can say my name, Cherri!"

The little girl closed her eyes and laughed like she understood he friend.

Usagi thought for a moment. "Cherri, how did you get out of your crib?"

The toddler smiled and sat up. She pointed her little fingers at the crib and started to clap.

A tired sigh came out of Usagi. "Well I guess you can sleep with me tonight."

As the two princesses snuggled up together in Usagi's bed, their breath started to ease. After awhile, the two found themselves in a dreamless sleep.


As Helios looked around the blank walls, he thought of the pink princess they called Neo Princess Serenity.

There was no doubt that she was beautiful. By the looks of the people there, she was probably well known too. As a Princess, she has to be.

But, Helios thought, there was something about her that made him think hard. Those red eyes had some kind of power in them that made him want to stay and talk.

"I know my position though." Helios thought out loud this time. "As Atropos's husband, I need to stand by her side."

The story Atropos had told him was that they had kidnapped him. Once his wife rescued him, he was brought back to their planet. Unfortunately, he lost all of his memory.

The door opened to the room and the light filled the room to show Helios it was a bedroom. There were a few dressers here and there. A red rug laid in the center of the room. The over sized bed, which he was sitting on, was against the wall.


Astropos's dark voice bounced off the walls. Helios looked up to see her white hair straight down and curved around her tab face. Those green eyes were sparking with an emotion. The thing Helios noticed the most was the large black necklace that shined on her chest.

"I'm here. I just woke up."

She nodded. "Good. You needed the sleep."

She slowly walked her way to him. As Astropos came to Helios, she grabbed his hand. "We can finally defeat the Lunar Princess."

"What do you mean?" I ask her with caution.

A wide smile spread across her face. "Father gave me power! I can go up against anything that would want to try me."

Even though she had mentioned her Father alot, Helios had never seen his wife's father. By the way Astropos talked about him, he sounded like a caring father. "So are we going back to Earth?"


Helios bowed his head. A feeling started to form in his stomach. "Atropos, maybe we should stop..."

"Stop!" Astropos dropped his hand and backed up. "You think we should stop? They... They destroyed my universe, Cloud Ood. This planet, Tyche, is dead now because of their light. If it weren't for that damned Eternal Sailor Moon, my -our- lives could go back to normal."

"They..." Helios argued more. "They just don't seem so bad."

"Ha!" Atropos crossed her arms and smirked. "It's a mask they wear."

As Helios watched Astropos pace back and forth, he wondered what those people did to destroy her life. How could someone so beautiful be cruel? He bowed his head to where his white hair fell in his face. Helios thought to himself, Maybe I am wrong. Maybe those Moon people are the enemies.


Seiya reread the note over and over again. His heart pounded loud in his ears and his breaths came out shaky.

The note read:

"Star Fighter,

I'm sorry to tell you this through a letter. Star Maker passed away late last night. Princess Kaykuu is growing weaker along with her husband. I am starting to get too weak to do simple things, like write this letter. I hope everything is going well at Earth.

Star Healer."

Seiya laid his head on the cool wood desk. The note laid crumpled in a ball. His fist was balled up and tears started to trip onto the wood.

"No." Seiya cried. "No. No. No!"

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