Chapter 10

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Black. Black everywhere. The air is dense. Silence burns her ears. She tries to suck in a breath but it doesn't come. Is this death?

Am I dead?

"Not yet, Luna Princess."

Usagi looked over in the direction of the voice. Then around her. The darkness was the only thing that showed its face. Who are you?

"Your nightmare."

Memories from the 20th century came to her when she was sent by her future mother to go help the past Sailor Moon. They had came up against Queen Nehelenia. She had haunted people's dreams and robbed them of their mirrors. But she was gone; they had healed her from the evil together. Or they did, right?

"Yes, your right."

Then why are you here? Or why am I here? What is "here"?

A laugh echoed. "You are in territory now."

Usagi's mind raced. Territory? Was this a new dimension or planet? She put her hands to her head and tried to calm her mind down. That's when she realized she was wearing her enteral outfit. Had she transformed before she came here? No. She didn't.

"You are very confused, Neo Princess. Maybe this will help."

A bright light came on and showed a wall. Lights came on from all different directions to show the four walls around her. Neo Princess Serenity looked up to find the source but was only blinded by another light.

"Don't try to find me. You have other things to look at."

As she looked at the walls, Usagi saw it was all written in a different language. The slid her white gloved hand over the words that were etched into the stone wall. Dust came onto the glove. From look thing at the wall, it looked like it was ancient. Maybe even more the Moon Kingdom that was destroyed.

"You are smart, Moon child. It was at the old Kingdom."

Then why is it here? What does it say?

"You are the Neo Princess that hold the Millennium Crystal. You tell me."

Eternal Sailor Moon looked down at her golden heart broach that had a pair of wings around it. The Millennium Crystal is born in every child born to the Moon royalty. And just like her mother and grandmother, Usagi has the power to create and destroy anything. It was the power that everyone craved the have. It had the light that could heal the most deadliest evil.

She cupped her hands around the broach and the the pink crystal slowly floated out of her. It's pink shine lite up the entire place and seemed to out shine the other light. Usagi looked up at the wall. Then she closed her eyes and tried to scream as loud as she could in her mind. Show me the truth!

When Eternal Sailor Moon looked back at the walls, it was the language that she originally knows. The words glowed a pink shine it and pulsed like it had a heartbeat.

"What a beautiful power."

Instead of listening to the voice, Neo Princess Serenity read the walls:

... Declared by the Great Queen herself, the Final War will come. It will destroy everything the moon created. Everything good. Everything evil. The Final War will only leave galaxy's empty. Life would be over. Because without peace, there cannot be war. Same for vise versa. Only the bright light can save us. The light of the stars and galaxy.

When the old dies and the young grows, it will be time to fight.

Chaos is ready for revenge.

Usagi backed up. No, not Chaos. Her mother had done a great job at sealing her but everyone knew it would not keep it away for long. It has only been a century since then, Choas couldn't possibly break the spell of Neo Queen Serenity?

Only the one that holds the light from the stars and galaxy will be gifted with the power to destroy Chaos. Only then, will the world become a disaster. Without was, there is no peace.

There will come a day when a descendent will have to choose between destroying the evil or destroying the peace.

Her white boots clicked as she backed up more. Usagi backed up against another wall the ancient stone felt unbelievably cold against her outfit. As she turned her head to look at the walk, Eternal Sailor Moon looked into dark eyes that were carved into the wall. It was Chaos.

"You will be mine, Moon child."

Usagi's eyes widen as black hands reached out of the stone to grab her. The cold hands squeezed her back. Neo Princess Serenity kicked and fought but the hands would let go. With the Millennium Crystal still in her hands, she closed her eyes. For the first time, she found her voice. "Silver Millennium, break this evil nightmare!"

The bright pink light glowed and warned Usagi's body. The darkness and walls disappeared and she found herself back in her bed.

Neo Princess Serenity sat up in her bed and looked around. The covers were all twisted from her nightmare. Sweat covered her face. Her hand was still holding the Millennium Crystal. "Was that real?" She asked herself.

Putting her slippers on, Usagi stood up and walked over to the crib. The pale haired baby was still sound asleep.

"I'm glad one of us is having a good night sleep." Neo Princess Serenity whispered to the sleeping princess.


Across the Kingdom, the older Scouts stood in a circle. Venus moved her feet and hands while Mercury starred at her.

"Stop moving around, Venus." Ami whispered to her blonde friend.

Minako looked up and blushed a bit. "My bad."

"We need to figure some things." Makoto randomly said.

Rei nodded her head. "She is right. Usagi is dead. Now, it's up to Chibiusa."

"Usagi." Pluto corrected Mars. She came out of the shadows with Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn at her side. "Neo Queen Serenity is gone. It is time we start seeing Small Lady as a Neo Queen."

Ami gasped and Rei shook her head. "Chibi- I mean Usagi- is too young to take the thrown. She has no idea what to do."

"She is right." Hotaru whispered. "Usagi knows she is not able to run this Kingdom."

"The real question is not if she will make a good Queen," Haruka argued. "Will the Neo Princess be strong enough to defeat this new evil?"

All of the scouts stopped to think. They knew the Princess well and her powers. From the moment she was born, they were all by her side.

"What if she needs help and we are all... gone?" Ami confessed.

"Usagi can do it." Hotaru said with determination. "I know it. If we can find Helios, him and the Quartets can help her."

The Sailors looked at Saturn with awe from her confidence in Usagi. But she has been her friend since Neo Princess Serenity came to the 20th Century. Neptune was the first to find her voice. "You are right, Hotaru."

Setsuna put her hand on Saturn's shoulder. "We have all trained those five girls well. Helios has been in training with Endymion for a very long time."

"If we are not there to help," Minoko added. "they can defeat this evil."

With all the conference in the air, it settled their doubts. But even for one Sailor, she knew it was the end for them and their Kingdom,

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