Chapter 13

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"I feel a black aura in here." Hotaru announced behind Lady Uranus.

The blonde Sailor turned around to look at her alli. "What do you mean?"

"There is a dark feeling here." Saturn said. She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I can't shake it."

Michiru came out of the shadow. Her mirror was in her hand. It showed her the future and present. "Haruka, something is here."

Uranus looked back over at the door that Helios and Chibiusa had walked out of. "It is very weird how Advisor Helios has been saved all of a sudden."


Helios say down at the fountain and patted the crystal to make Usagi to sit beside him. She smiled brightly at him and sat on the cool crystal. The water was running and making noises behind them. They could feel the water slightly jumping on them.

"I've missed you." Princess Serenity admitted.

"I've missed you too." Helios said back to her.

Usagi looked up at him. She starred at him square in the eyes. "What happened to you? I thought you were..."

"I'm not though. I'm fine."

"Then what happened?" Neo Princess begged. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly. It was cool to the touch.

"I was kidnapped." Helios started.


He shook his head. "I don't know. I woke up in a dark place. It felt like days until I finally found my way out. It was awful."

Usagi's heart swelled and she hugged Helios again. They held each other for a moment.

"What a precious moment."

Princess Serenity looked up to see a dark figure stand in front of them. Helios stiffened under her. "Who is there?"

"Oh moon child, I am your nightmare." The voice rang in her head. Usagi squinted to try to find details in the dark. The woman stepped closer to them. Heels clicked against the concrete. "You see, Neo Princess Serenity, I have been waiting for my moment. My moment to shin brighter than any light in this universe. And now, I have the power to do anything I wish."

"Your wrong." Usagi argued in a loud voice. She separates herself from Helios and stood up. "I am the Neo Princess. I have the Millennium Crystal. Nothing can compare to it."

The woman let out a soft laugh. Princess Serenity could see her head shake back and forth. "Ignorance is blessed. Helios!"

Strong arms wrapped around her and held Usagi back. As she moved her body and jerked her feet, the woman moved closer. The Neo Princess screamed out. "Helios! Why are you doing this?"

"It's my time to shine." The woman whispered as she slowly walked up to Usagi.

"Stop right there!"

The woman turned and Usagi got a good look of her Quartet. They were standing in a line in front of them. Juno screamed in a loud voice. "Let go of the Neo Princess, now!"

Helios tightened his grip and the woman let out a laugh. "You four think I am scared of the four Amazon girls? You must be joking."

Pallas let out a huff. She held out her hand. "Athena's Blade of Wisdom!"

A silver sword appeared in her hand. She moved it across her chest to let the blade be diagonal on her face. The sword shined as she narrowed her eyes. Pallas swiftly loved the sword down then back up to make an X. The sword made a deep blue water. It all started to rush toward the woman. The mysterious woman moved quickly and suddenly, the attack changed its direction back to her. Pallas froze and her eyes widened. Ceres grabbed her blue haired sister by the arm and pulled her away from the water. All the water hit the ground and formed puddles.

"You four cannot even compare to me." The woman chuckled.

"Come out of the dark and show yourself!" Vesta yelled.

A loud laugh came from the shadows. The woman's heels clicked as she stepped out from the shadow into the glow off the Crystal Kingdom. The woman was very tall and normal weight. Her pale green eyes shinned with a fire that lite her. Her short, snow white hair made her look even more mysterious. "I am Atropos."

Usagi moved a bit. Helios's arms were like a death grip on her. It felt like unnatural strength. "What do you want, Atropos?"

The white haired woman turned to look at the Princess. "I want to distort every inch if this universe like you did to mine."

The pink pigtailed girl shook her head. "We have never destroyed any galaxies."

"Lies!" Atropos yelled. She walked up to Usagi's face. Her green eyes drilled holes into her head. "You are a foolish Moon child. I know what you and your mother did. That Millennium Crystal cannot save you."


Usagi and Atropos turned to see Uranus transformed into Eternal outfit and was standing between the Four Quartet. The other outer sailors stood towards the back.

"Let go of the Neo Princess." Uranus commanded.

Helios looked at Atropos for her command. She nodded her head and Usagi fell to her knees. Ceres and Juno ran to her side while the other two stood in position.

Atropos smiled. "I will see you Moon people soon."

Usagi pushed back Juno and went up to grab Helios. His form was already slowly disappearing into the night with Atropos. Her hand grabbed air.

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