01 | Violet

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The fucking jerk sauntered his way through the halls. It was packed with hormonal teenagers looking at him with such praise that it irked me.

"Good game," They remarked.

"Nice last-minute touchdown," Some other idiot yipped.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of Chancey De Loughrey's brunette waves and turned to my open locker.

My textbooks were a mess, clamped in the tiny metal box excuse of a locker. The papers that sprawled and crumpled alongside the books boiled my blood.

"Hey, Maxwell!"

I paused. I stiffened. I fucking shot up in my spot so fast I could've sworn my spine almost cracked.

Please. No.

"How's it going, Violet?" The one voice I despised. The one voice I wanted to strangle.

I slammed my locker shut after shoving the right books in my bag.

Chancey leaned against the locker beside mine, crossing his arms over his lean chest. I didn't have to look at him to tell he was spotting a toothy grin.

"It's Indigo," I turned in the other direction and flung my heavy bag across my shoulder.

"I could've sworn it was Blue the other day," His voice followed me until his looming figure shadowed beside me.

I didn't respond.

Maybe if I ignore it, it'll leave me the fuck alone.

"That looks heavy," A slender finger slid under the strap of the bag on my shoulder, and I jerked my arm to get his touch off me. "Don't want me to carry it?"

"No," I replied blankly, ignoring the burning gazes of a few students who didn't know how to mind their own business. "It's rude to keep your fans waiting, Chancey De Douchebag. I think they're waiting for an autograph."

That stops him for only a split second before he's catching up to me in the next.

"Believe me, they're all looking at you," His terrible effort at referencing Cinderella made me clench my jaw at the irritation building up at the sound of his taunting voice.

It wasn't long before we reached the door of my next class.

"You still take a photography class?" Chancey snickered. "What's there to learn? Aim the camera and click a button?"

I made a move to reach for the door handle, but the maniac was quick to move in front of the door.

"Do you really get off on irritating the shit out of me?" I glared at his chest, not feeling the energy to look into his eyes.

"I would if you actually looked at me," He dipped his head, and I had no choice but to look at those stupid honey-brown eyes of his.

He stared intently at my grey ones.

"Move, Chancey," My voice was firm.

"Have lunch with me tomorrow," He spoke with an equally demanding tone.

I stared at him, blinked, and then laughed so hard he would've thought I'd gone crazy.

"Wow," I whispered, staring him dead in the eyes. "What makes you think I'd swoop so low?"

The humour was gone from his eyes, replaced with pure determination.

"You already did. Two years ago." He smiled again, and I wanted to stab the dimple that appeared on his left cheek.

"Yes. A lot of things can change in two years," I shrugged, moving closer. "Things are done, words are said. People die, people aren't there for their friends, and people are too late. Huh, maybe people even hang out with the wrong crowd and become dicks. Yeah, and eventually, other people stop giving a fuck."

I watched as the dimple faded from the side of his face. The humour in his eyes now pricked with a pang of hurt, and I was satisfied. Chancey's cheeks hollowed as he ticked his jaw.

"Now, I'd despise to stay and chat, but I've got to learn how to 'aim a camera and click a button', so," I gestured my hand to the other side of the hallway, waiting for him to move out of my way.

He nodded once, gradually shaking off the hurt expression.

"I'll ask again in two days then," His eyes didn't meet mine again as he adjusted his green and blue varsity jacket before walking off.

It didn't come as a shock to me when - in the middle of my photography class - I found a note in my bag.

'You had your chance and lost it. Don't try again.' It read.

Chancey was my first thought.

I'll fucking kill him, I promised myself, I'll rip every shred of joy he has left.

letter 01 - violet

You hated when I called you that.

Your name is Indigo. Why did I call you Violet, and Blue and Green and Yellow and Orange and Red?

Because you are my rainbow.

You are my gift, my promise, and I'm sorry I didn't cherish you as often and I was meant to.

Indigo. My Indigo.

You're my rainbow, and nothing can take you away from me.

Not even death.


a/n: crying already. who's with me? :')

have a great day/ night!

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