15 | List

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"How are you feeling today?" Chancey asked thirty minutes after class began.

"Good," I replied, copying notes from the whiteboard about our last school assignment.

"That's good," He murmured.

Silence followed for five more minutes.

"How's your memory?" Chancey asked as if the question had been nudging at his head for the last three days.

"Good," I replied again with a small smile on my lips.

My peripheral vision allowed me to notice how Chancey slanted his head to watch me smile. His lips turned upward, too.

"No regrets?"

I shrugged, then realised he might've needed a stable answer.

"Only one - that we didn't talk about it when I was sober."

Chancey nodded, silently agreeing.

"When can we talk about it?" He asked eagerly after five minutes.

"How about that lunch you won't stop nagging me for?" I turned to him, our eyes meeting instantly.

His face was glowing with joy, and the smile on his lips was soft. But it was the way he was staring at me so intently that made my heart stammer in my chest and butterflies burst in my stomach.

"Indigo?" My mother's voice pulled me out of my trance.

I was sitting comfortably in my living room, on the couch directly in front of the TV. A baby pink blanket I've had since I was a child kept my legs warm and snug as reruns of Criminal Minds played through the screen.

"Yeah," I replied, keeping my eyes on the TV.

She was silent for a while before sighing. I turned around to see her leaning against the white kitchen counter. It hurt to see her looking at me like I was about to fade from her sight.

"We need to talk about it, darling," My mother finally spoke.

I merely stared back at her, and after a few seconds, I scoffed.


"You've spent the last two years pretending I don't exist," I started slowly, hoping she'd see where my growing anger was coming from. "When I needed someone to rely on, you were turning a blind eye. Obviously, you were grieving, but I'm your daughter. And now that there's a possibility that I might actually die, you want to cling onto me? That's not okay!"

Her eyes became glassy as she sniffed and ran a hand down her face. She held it on her neck before shaking her head.

"Your father's death broke me," My mum's voice was low. "I spent the last two years scared out of my mind that I was going to lose you, too."

"I wasn't going anywhere. You were," I told her, tightening my hand on the fabric that kept me warm. "Besides, I already told you. I'm not going to try chemotherapy. I don't want to."

Not leaving her the chance to argue, I turned away and resumed watching the show playing before me.


Chancey: hello, Violet :)

Chancey: when are you free?

Seeing Chancey's name light up my screen sent shocks of thrill down my spine. I was excited to see him, but more so to talk to him about our feelings. I needed something in my life to make sense, and knowing that our communication could solve one problem relieved me.

Me: any time :)

Chancey: tonight?

Me: yes, tonight

Chancey: can i pick you up at 7?

Me: absolutely

Chancey: awesome! where do you want to go?

Me: anywhere

Chancey: Paris?

I had to contain my chuckle because it wasn't that funny. I was just happy we were talking like this again.

Me: oui

Chancey: one day. add it to your bucket list. i know you have one.

I stilled my thumbs over my phone and let the chuckle slip out. He knew so much about me, things I had completely forgotten about, like the bucket list I stopped writing when my father passed away.

Wait a second. Chancey was onto something.

Me: it was incomplete. when it's all finished, you'll help me get everything done. also, maybe we should just meet up at your house tonight.

The text was sent before I could read over it, and my face paled. Was I doing everything too fast? Would he realise something was wrong? He couldn't know that I was sick - not yet. He just got me back, and I couldn't let him know I'd be gone too soon.

Chancey: abso-fucking-lutely, i will! i'll need a few business days to prepare myself for your constant nagging, though, so tell me beforehand.

If I could've slapped him through the screen, his face would've been bruised.

letter 15

Your bucket list:

- see elephants up close, maybe even hug one

- go to a music concert

- tell my dad i have a boyfriend and watch him threaten the unlucky man with his short self (love him for that <3 short king)

- sit on the edge of a cliff and scream my lungs out

- look through a telescope at the planets (nature is so beautiful)

- go on a hot air balloon (Chancey would lose his mind after i tell him. he's afraid of heights)

- fall in love (it's okay if i don't. all i need is myself !)

- go camping with Chancey (only because i want to laugh at his fear of the dark - even though he won't admit it)

I copied your words from two years ago onto paper, so give me a second to correct you.

I am not afraid of heights anymore, and I was never scared of the dark. Want to know why? You were always there to keep me safe, Violet.


a/n: and here comes the fun part of the plot hehe

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