06 | Nerves

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'I like the fire in your eyes when you yell at me,' the third note read.

I could only think of Chancey because he was the only person I ever had the energy to yell at, but then I thought of the night before, when he told me didn't write the notes.

And I actually believed him. For the first time in two years, I saw the genuine truth in his expression. No mischievous grins, no taunting stares. Just the truth.

"The note you showed me, it wasn't me. It wasn't me that gave you that note, you have to believe me." He was so desperate to get me to believe him.

The string of murmurs around me increased, pulling me out of a trance. I turned my head from my locker and saw what everyone else's attention was on.

"I never should've trusted you," A girl's voice shouted. "You fucker!"

Rolling my eyes, I returned my gaze to my locker, getting used to the cluster of noise building up to the slap that sounded across the hallway. I only caught a glimpse of blonde hair being hauled away by some girl with brunette hair. It was Pearl Raven, pulling her sister away from a guy who was staring back at them with despair.

Poor fucker.

Trying to not smile out of fascination, I spun around, and almost stumbled into someone's chest.


I looked up to find Nelly Fobbs staring down at me in slight alarm. Then he saw my face and smiled widely, probably recognising me as the bitch who poured water down Chancey's shirt and slapped him hard in front of everyone. Even if I wanted to feel embarrassed that I did that, Nelly's gaze wouldn't let me. He was smiling smugly. His girlfriend Viana stood next to him, peering over to look at me. She spotted the same smile as he did.

Crazy fuckers.

"Indigo, right?" She asked, her bright teeth showing.

"Yes," I glanced between them sceptically.

"See you around," Nelly patted my shoulders as if I was one of his friends, then walked away.

Viana walked in time with him, leaving, but not without winking at me subtly.

I blinked. And then blinked again when my vision became a little blurry. Not getting a chance to even turn around because of the sudden sharpness in my head, I caught onto the familiar brunette walking across the hallway.

He walked as if he didn't have a care in the world until his light brown eyes latched onto me. Chancey stopped walking for a split second before slightly picking up his pace. I internally raged, feeling a migraine coming on as he got closer.

Ignoring his presence, I made my way to the door at the end of the corridor. My photography class.

"Indigo," He greeted me, faltering in his steps behind me as I passed him.

At least he didn't call me Violet. If he did, my heart would've felt weird like it always did when he called me that. It made me think of when we were friends when my father was alive. We were happy.

"Okay, at least give me credit for actually calling you Indigo," Then he spoke, and I felt so tired. "Want me to call you Maxwell, then? I know you get mad when I call you Violet."

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