Chapter 1

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Author Pov

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Author Pov

London. A dream city for lots of students. With mild crowd on the streets, lines in front of a famous cafes, faces filled with warm smiles,  students of last year having outburst of mixed emotions. But, there was one person who held a cold demeanor.

Mishti Singh.

The popular bad girl of the college. Not once had she smiled in the past 3 years of college. People would always gossip about her. But she would ignore. Stood up for students elections once but lost. Basketball team captain. Topper of the class. Yet always a cold face and awfully quiet demeanor.

Today was the graduation. Everyone was happy, sad and nostalgic at the same time. But her? She was just standing as if everyone else didn't exist. She took her degree on the stage. Got clicked and walked away.

Everyone was perplexed seeing her walk away without the coat ceremony. But, one look from her and everyone got back to what they were doing. She just walked straight to the terrace of her dorm building.

Sitting on the edge of the terrace. She looked down. It was awfully high. If only she would take one step wrong she would fall and die. She loved this feeling. Playing with her life.

Her life played a lot of games with her. Now she likes to play with her life.

Taking a cigarette from her pocket she lit it up

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Taking a cigarette from her pocket she lit it up. Inhaling the cigar, taking a long puff. When her cigar was snatched away. She closed her eyes in annoyance.

"You shouldn't smoke" Neil signed in sign language.

"What makes you think I would obey you?" she signed back as she got off the edge.

"Because I am your friend " he signed leaning beside her.

"No you're not. When did I say that?"  she signed.

"I am not your friend but you are my friend. So, for me stop smoking " he signed with a a sweet smile.

"I don't make friends Neil. I am not your friend. It was just one drunk naive night. You don't need to pity me" she signed angrily. Just because she ended up telling him about her life when she was drunk doesn't mean he has any right to say she is his friend.

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