Chapter 14

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Y'all are really kind and nice, nicer than humans irl will ever be :)
A few hours ago

"Don't touch anything, it's all very expensive, talk nicely to the queen, she's elder than you okay? "

"Yes mom, she seems like nice queen"

"She is a nice queen... not a nice human"

Aadhya (Mishti's mother) held Mishti's hand and walked to her husband who was also a bit nervous. Many years back, there was a favour done and the price of it, hasn't been paid. That scares him. She has the authority to ask for his life in return and he can't deny.

"Let's go. " he said in a gruff voice, Mishti held his hand as they walked to the car and drove away to the Jaisalmer palace.


"Wow, mom it's so pretty, can we stay here? "

"Keep quiet Mishti, if you behave then I'll give you your favourite food" listening to this a smile formed on her face. Who doesn't want their favourite food. She nodded optimisticly and sat quietly.

Suddenly, two guards came with stoic faces, they looked scary, nonetheless her parents stood up and she followed them confused a little. But, then the queen arrived and they bowed, it made her even more confused but she followed nonetheless.

"Ram, how have you been?" The queen asked in a authoritative tone. Mishti was so fascinated with the way she talked so elegantly, she looked up in awe but then she saw her staring at her and felt shy so she bowed down her head timidly.

"Come here" the queen called out with a slight smile, Mishti went and touched her feet.

"Aren't you a beautiful girl? " she said keeping her hand on her cheeks.

"which grade do you study in and what do you want to be?"

"8th and I want to help people when I grow up"

"You've got a smart girl ram, very intelligent" she spoke and gave a chocolate to Mishti.

"can you go with Kalyan to the kitchen, he'll feed you some milkshakes while I talk to your parents"


"I am hoping you'll continue the business like your father ram"

"No. I am sorry but what he did isn't what I am going to follow. I mean no offense but I don't want to get involved in it again. I hope you understand Rani sa" he said politely folding his hands in front of her.

Ram's father was a jeweller, he worked for the royals, most of the land owned by people was taxed by royals and often they collected this tax in form of gold and jewels which the poor farmers were unaware of. Since they were illiterate, they signed whatever was written unaware of there family's heirloom, the gold being the collateral.

Ram's fathers business was based on levying heavy mortgage on the gold and trapping the poor people in debt trap for the royals, he was paid by the royals to do this. But as independence came the royal gold was to be the states property and all the bonds were to be read and if unfair means were to be found, the gold had to be returned.

One of the villagers, wronged by rams father got to know about this, he was enraged because of the injustice and broke into his house, with a bat in his hand thrashing him and demanding justice, but rams father was a mere collector who had nothing, everything he did was sent to royals, how could he possibly return something he didn't have.

He tried to tell him, but the guy was to angry this resulted in him trying to kill rams father with a knife, in self defense rams father turned it around not meaning to harm but protect himself but in thrashing the knife around he ended up killing the guy.

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