Chapter 13

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Age - 13


"I don't want to leave Lucknow, my friends, Rajshree Aunty and my bestie"

"it's for the better Mishtu, papa wants to continue his business of jewelry there and he has contacts there, it'll be fun."

"if you say so" she replied to her mother with a still sulky face.


Sweat ran down the corner of her face, she was sitting in the car with air conditioner on. But when the heat is scorching through windows and the weather is 50° outside how do you expect the AC to work.

"Bhai, I don't like this place, can't we just go back" she mumbled to him extending her hand to grab the cold coke she had bought at a rest stop 10 minutes ago.

"Mishtu, you are such nerd, it's going to be fun to make friends, chill"

That's because he's the popular nice kid of every school whereas Mishti being always in his and her father's shadow was naturally quite shy and naive.

Anyways, looking past the pessimism she looked out of the window admiring the change of scenery from all the concrete in Lucknow.

With lots of gossip and few songs later. They reached their destination.

"Kalaksh Bhawan"

Her grandpa's name was Lakshman and grandma's name was Kamal and so the name "Kalaksh"
She spent her baby days here but obviously had no memory of it.

She looked at the house that looked huge, a veranda, a terrace, two-storey building, what else would your dream house be. She smiled, maybe it isn't that bad.

The other side

Rishabh age- 15

"are you blind? You fucking bitch, low life useless piece of shit in the name of maid" he cursed the woman twice his age just because she spilled some milk, not even on him just on the table.

"I am so sorry Kunawar sa, it'll never happen"

"Is this how you apologize?" he fumed glaring at the woman. She slowly got on her knees and folded her hands in front of him and bowed her head, a slow tear rolled down her face out of embarrassment but she quickly stopped herself.

"Go away now, useless filth" he barked


The woman returned to the kitchen to be met by her thirteen year old daughter who looked sad about the treatment of her mother, the woman closed her eyes in shame.

Every parent wants to shield their child from evils of the world and want there kids to always think of them as a strong person but today her child saw her sad reality. Her heart clouded with shame but nonetheless she put on a smile.

"Aashi, what are you doing here, go study you have to go to school tomorrow"

"Maa, why did you bow in front of him, you say that older people should be respected then why did he talk like that, I don't like him, I want to punc-" the woman quickly put her hand on Aashi's mouth.

"Never say that" she threatened "I might be older than him in age but in status I can never be older" she mumbled to herself. The little girl felt anger and frustration. What was her mother talking about, what status the only status existing is humanity. Nonetheless she didn't want her mom to work here anymore.

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