Chapter 4

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" Don't act as if you didn't threaten me into it, don't act as if we are some childhood lover, don't act like you didn't destroy my life.

Don't act like you didn't kill my parents " She yelled at him. He looked at her with heart breaking gaze.

"Do you not trust me? I didn't kill them" he said with his eyes pleading her to trust him. He tried to gently hold her hands but she shoved his hands away.

"I could trust that for once a dog's tail could be straight but I would never trust you Mr.Rathore for I know what type of manipulating bastard you are" she spat angrily shoving his hands away.

"They were like my second parents " he said as tears formed in his eyes nut he closed his eyes to control his tears. She was fuming in anger hearing his words and she harshly punched his chest.

" NO! THEY WERE'NT YOUR PARENTS. YOU DON'T THREATEN YOUR PARENTS. YOU DON'T HURT THEM. YOU DON'T KILL THEM" she yellled dashing in the room closing the door and locking it. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a tear rolling down. She noticed it and roughly wiping it before clenching her fists.

"YOU CAN'T CRY! STOP CRYING LIKE A WEAK PERSON! DON'T SHOW YOUR WEAKNESS TO THE WORLD. THE WORLD WILL CRUMBLE YOU. STRONGEST SURVIVE AND THESE TEARS ARE SIGNS OF WEAKNESS STOP CRYING" she slammed her fists on the mirror. She harshly rubbed her eyes. Splashing water on her wounds she opened the door. She wasn't scared to hide. She was fearless and she would face him.

She opened the door of the room as saw him crouching and leaning  on the door. When she opened the door startled he fell down on the floor. The air hostess who brought meals saw this and her eyes widened when she saw the princess sparing no glance to the prince who just wanted some sympathy from his lady love when he fell down. But, his face fell down and his eyes showed glimpse of hurt when she didn't even see him. The air hostess was quick enough to help the prince. But, Rishabh glared at the air hostess denying contact with any other female other than his love. He got up on his own and walked to his lady love. He settled himself in front of her.

She saw the air-hostess looking at her in disgust and heard her mutter. "She's so evil"  She quitely stared out of the window thinking. 

"I wasn't born evil..                                       He made me one"

When she still didn't look at his direction. He decided to break the silence as he served her.

"That....hurt me" he said. She turned her sharp gaze to him.

"What? That you killed my parents or that you forced me to be your girlfriend or that everyone whispered things about me in the school or that I am left alone in this world? What exactly hurt you Mr. Rathore?" her gaze was void of emotions. It hurt him so much that he was the cause of her hurt.

He looked at her with teary eyes.

"I am sorry. I know all the bad things happened in past are my fault. I would kill someone for you but would you love me then? Because the person I would kill is the past me. I know I fucked up. I know I did wrong for that you could punish me as much as you want but I can't let you go. My love is selfish. I am selfish. I know I am the bad guy for the world, I know every deed I do is bad but the only good I have ever done is falling in love with you. Please don't push me away. Please give me a chance" his nose was against her a he pressed his forehead on hers. His eyes sparkled with honesty as tears flew from them.

"Can you bring back my parents? No right because you killed them. I don't fucking care if you are hurt" she said coldly not even bothered by his tears.

He looked at her in disbelief. His baby bird wasn't like this. She used to care about even her enemies.

"This isn't the real you " he whispered in daze. She looked at him and have him a fake smile before looking at his eyes with a serious gaze.

"You crushed my real self
Now watch how I destroy you with my

She looked away from him saying this as he drowned in the guilt.


"You should eat" he said noticing that she still hasn't ate anything.

"You don't get to tell me what I should do. Mind your own business "  she said harshly. He went closer to her and trapped her in his arms. His hot breath on her ears.

"You are my business "
She fumed in anger as she pushed him away with her injured hand which caused the blood to flow more. He immeadietely took her hand in his.

"Fuck. It's bleeding " he muttered and quickly called the air hostess ordering her to bring the first aid.

"Stop acting like you care. Take your filthy hands away from me." she said pushing him away.

"I do! I do really care about you. And what I don't care about is what you think about me. You are bleeding so much and it must be paining. So stop being cold you can push me away later. First, I need to dress your wounds" he said putting his hands on her mouth and dragging her hand in his lap.

"AHH! " he yelped when she bit his hand. But, he still didn't leave her hand and continued to dress her wounds ignoring the pain from her continuous biting. When he was done he left her hand and she stopped biting him. She pushed him away.

"Once again you marked me? You say you don't love me but this marks say something else" he muttered to himseld kidding the bite mark and smiling to himself.


The plane landed and the first one to step out was Mishti. She quickly came out and saw all the guards staring down.

She walked to Aditya. Knowing who he was and coldly asked for his phone. He didn't look at her and just did what she asked for.

"Kavi, I landed in Jaisalmer and I need you to--" before she could complete her sentence her phone was snatched by Rishabh. She sighed and turned to him.

"Kavi how are you doing? Long time no see, I'll be taking Rajkumari sa with me. So bye" he ended the call with that.

"Why the Fuck will I go with you? " she hissed in anger.

"Because, if you don't I might sell my shares in Shining to your enemies "

"What can I even expect from you? I just don't get why my father trusted you with his company build with hardwork. Let's talk business then Rathore. What should I do to get my father's business back? "

"First let's go home baby bird"

Having no other choice she roughly slammed the car door shut sitting in and turned her face away from him. Clearly rejecting any interaction with him.

"Why is the haveli lighted up and decorated? "
As far as knows, this happened at the royal's birth or wedding and at Diwali. None of them made sense to why so many people were standing in front of Haveli and it was decorated in such manner

"You asked what should you do to get your father's business back right? "

"Yeah and? "

"So, the answer to it is,
You have to marry me"


Kavi is a new character, she's Mishti's cousin.


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