Chapter 9

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There are two types of people in this world one who take quick showers and other who spend 30 minutes in bathroom but not showering. Sometimes the sound of the water hitting bathroom floor is loud, many of the times loud enough for us to just close our eyes and get lost in the world of thinking.

The magical thing about thinking is.. You start somewhere.. But you end up somewhere completely different.

"Mishti! Mishti you need to get out" Kavi yelled at her.

Mishti came out of her thoughts, grabbed her robe and went out.

"what did that asshole say? " she asked.

"nothing you don't know" Mishti answered

"the same marry me stuff? " she asks but gets no answer.

"Is there any way I have chance to get the chair in shining as a employee?" Mishti asks

"what why? You could just directly take the CEO seat. It's all yours"

"I know but these board directors there's no way they are true to me. They are just fabricating everything. Cause if shining is doing so well I don't think we'd be struggling so much to launch another branch in pune. These employees are sending me fake reports. They won't get anything out of that neither board of directors get anything by lying to me about the situation. Also the directors are doing very well I mean Ms. Suthar just threw a huge party of approx 1 lakh rupees. There are two possibilities 1) they are selling our information and designs to other companies 2) some has fed them money for them to show everything's amazing. If we go by 1st one, we would have known it. But there's no case of plagiarism. So.. "

"so it's rishabh"

"As I thought, so get me a wig and if possible maybe some fake lashes and contacts and make up too. I am going for an interview in shining. Make up the fake profile and email every little detail about this fake persona"

"Got it. " Kavi spoke with a smile to which mishti nodded and started working on her laptop. Kavi just stood there.

"Hey are you gonna visit home? " she asked. Mishti freezed. After a second she closed her eyes. Home. How will she ever get the courage to go there. The same place where...theu died because of her.

"No" she said and went back to work.

"what why? See you need to go back. I know that it's hard but you need to face the past. You need to move on--"

"move on" scoffs "it's easier said than done kavi" gulps "you haven't" pause "lost your family"

"anyways, close the door as you leave" she said closing the conversation

"fine Mishti" she said dejectes and walked out of the hotel room.



She glanced at her phone and answered the call.

"what is it Mr. Rathore? "

"Hi baby bird, I am doing okay and yeah I called you cause I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Royal lake. We could relive our past"

"there's no our and you forced me to go there when I was a kid. I was scared of you so I didn't deny. What makes you think I'll come now. "

"..Nothing.. I know you won't come.. But *chuckles* this heart still believes.. You'll come.. You'll come with me.. To me--" before he could complete his sentence the phone was hanged up. He looked at the phone and sighed

"you'll be with me.. Someday.. Someday you'll "


Mishti was scared shitless, she had always been a good girl and obeyed her parents. She doesn't know how did she end up in this situation. She didn't want to be here. Not at this was 10 p.m but she didn't have any choice.

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