Chapter 6

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My eyes widened in shock when Neil fell on the ground. But, thankfully he didn't shoot Neil but at his chains. I didn't have to think twice before running towards him and helping him get up.

"Are you okay? " I signed to him. Thankfully he signed back saying he was okay. But he was not. I just wanted to laugh at myself. Everyone I love gets hurt because if me. That's why Neil deserves so much better.

I don't know whom should I blame? Myself or Rishabh. He destroys the people I love. He's the criminal yet it's my hands that are drenched in blood.
I shook my head. Not the time. I quickly call the cops and the ambulance.

Then, I turn towards him. The tormentor of my life. The one I hate, the one I despise the most. I walked to him as he looks like he's controlling his anger. I don't hesitate to slap him.

My hands hurt due to the roughness skin and little stubble of beard on his face. But, my eyes don't show pain, because they shine in satisfaction. How dare he harm him. Neil. My love.

He was wrong if he thought I would just let it go. He jaw clenches as he raises his hand in reflex and I await for him to slap me. While his hand is in the air. I don't blink or cower away.  That's what weak do. I am not weak. But, his hand doesn't touch my skin.

As I knew it. Rishabh Rathore has only one weakness and that's me. Mishti Singh. Just the way he used my love for my family as a weak point of me. I'll use His Love  for me to make him suffer for his deeds.

"Get ready to go to the jail, Rathore"

"Jail....?" he asks laughing while mocking me. As if his mocks affect me. Sometimes I wonder if I feel anything at all? This is what I have become? Emotionless? But I wasn't born this way, he made me.

"I own every fucking thing in this goddamn city. It's just your heart left" he hisses seductively in my ears. I push his body away. Every part of my body starts crawling in disgust whenever he touches me.

"Are you a fucking teenager? You think you can seduce me? Every time you are near me, my stomach gets upset and every part of my body starts crawling in disgust. Don't desire the things you can't get."

"Things I can't get are tempting and your love is my most sinful temptation I desire"

"You know what's my temptation? Your shirt bloodied as your eyes close and die the same way my family did"

"At least our temptations have something in common. It's about Us"

"Oh! Fuck off! Just wait till you are locked up in a fucking jail in your own city"

"Baby bird! You're too naive baby. It worries me"

"Worry about yourself Rathore" I hissed looking at Neil my heart clenched. This man right here. His eyes would shine at me so brightly as if his eyes said "Trust me there's light in your darkness" and now because of me. His shining eyes are closed. It's all because of me. I push Rishabh away and rush to Neil.



No! Everything's okay! Calm down! Calm the fuck down! You can't have a breakdown! not in front of him.

I took deep breaths. I have to hold myself together for Neil.. For my Neil. He needs me. He has always been there for me. Now, I have to be there for him.


Fucking Ambulance!

I feel my hands shiver as I shakily bring the phone to my ear.

"Ambulance! I need a fucking ambulance! Media! 10 minutes! Max I can give"

I don't even bother speaking anymore. I quickly unbutton his shirt. My hand is stopped by someone.

"What are you doing baby bird? " his jaw is clenched in anger but I could care less. I don't care. I don't care about him, about world or about anything. All I can see is his blood. His bloodied shirt. I know! I know he isn't dieing.

But, even a scratch on his happy bubbly physique makes my heart clench. It hurts me. It hurts me a lot.

"Rishabh! Get off! You've done enough...if I lose You don't know...I'll.. die. Just leave him.. "

I don't care if I sounded like I was begging him even when I..I tried to threaten him.

"You are getting scared for him? A low-life like him? You can't be serious baby bird. I'd fucking tear the world apart if only I get even 1% of what he's getting. I hate this guy so fucking much. It's enough. Let him die"

He took my arms and started dragging me. I can't leave my love like that. I thrashed in his hold. I kicked his legs. But, he didn't bulge. I was starting to tear up.

Neil.. He looked so vulnerable. His eyes they didn't have that glint. They didn't say there's hope. His hands always moving, signing me everything in the world just quietly layed down.
His chiseled, well-built,  not so muscular chest that I drooled on the day we made love was all red and bloodied. His rough and dry lips now had cuts on them.

No! I can't! I can't let him win. I am not weak? I can't let past repeat!

I gathered all my strength as I locked his leg in one of mine and with all the strength left in me. I slammed my head in his chest. He yelped and his hold loosened on me. I quickly removed myself and gave him a hard punch on the face.

Once he was on his knees, I didn't miss a moment, it's already been 8.5 minutes. Just 2 minutes more they'll be here. I quickly tear Neil's shirt apart and tie a rag that I found somewhere around his wound tightly. I spot a water dripping from the pipe. I quickly run there. I'll just wipe his face or sprinkle water on his face. I don't know. I don't know what to do. I feel like my nerves are so held up. I feel nervous, anxious, scared.

Maybe it's affecting even more because I am feeling these things after 4 years.

I shake off my thoughts. Rag! Bottle! Something! I-I n-need something to carry the w-water! Oh! God! W-what should I get! I see a plastic bag in the corner. I quickly grab it! I guess it will work.

I run as fast as I can after collecting water in the plastic bag. I sprinkle the water on his face. But, nothing! Nothing happens! He didn't even move! W-what?! Now! What should I do? Think! Think! Dammit! I try patting his face ! But, no results!

I try to get up to bring some more water or something! But, Rishabh grabs my hand. He looks awful. His face has my punch marks. But, his eyes still hold anger in them.

"Let go, Rishabh. I will never forgive you for this"

"I know! So, it doesn't matter. Once we get married. You'll have to accept me anyways" his eyes are so angry and his jaw is so clenched. I pity his teeths. I push him away but, I am pulled back again. This time he's awfully close and this time I am scared.

My past surfaces in front of me. My gut tells me danger. But, before I know it. He was leaning in for a kiss. I move back but I hit the wall. I can't believe this is happening. I am letting this man, manhandle me again. I am being weak again. I close my eyes in fear.

But, I feel nothing. When I open my eyes. I see media flashing all there lights on me as the police make their way back in. I took a sigh of relief as Rishabh who was hugging me and keeping my face away from the cameras, is taken away from me. I watch him struggle and smirk at him.

"Told you! " I mouth him.

"I'll be back for you! " he shouts winking at me and I look away in disgust as I turn around and hug the man who saved me.

"Yash! "



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