Chapter 7

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He watches as she clings on to that mute fucker and the guards drag him. He feels his veins popping in anger. He just wanted to fucking kill everyone around him and grab his baby bird apart from that manipulative sick bastard. But, he couldn't do anything, the media was around him and he knew better than to fuck the whole situation even more.

He yanked his hands away from the low life police man who held his handcuffed hands and tsked. His baby bird really thought she could get away? Well, no he isn't letting her leave ever. She's the only one who can bring some sanity in him.

He watches as the police look at him with fear and anger. He clenches his jaw. He has to get out of this place. His baby bird needs him and here he is stuck with these douches.

He is then taken to a room for investigation. He huffs in anger. If he wants he could just leave this shitty place in 15 minutes. But, his baby bird wants him to be away and thinks this is her win and he wants her to be happy with that. Because, he doesn't want her to lose yet.

He is her king and kings only bow in front of their queen. So, he wants to let her win in every game they play.

He sits on the chair like the king he is and signals a guard to take off his handcuffs and the guard does without any second thoughts.

The Head officer comes and bows in front of him.

"Hukum" he murmurs

"When can I get out of here? "

"NEVER! " comes the cold yet somewhere still sweet voice of his baby bird.

"Kunawari sa, please sit" the inspector says to which she rolls her eyes. His eyes never leave her. Sometimes he wonders how she gets more and more captivating each time his hazy black orbs gaze her.

"Ms. Singh that's what you should call me and this man can't get away from here. He'll be locked up"

"But, ma'am he's Hukum. We can't---"

"Hukum?! What Hukum Mr. Desai this man right here doesn't deserve a single ounce of respect and loyalty he receives. You know what if I tell him to slap you right here. He won't hesitate to do so. His loyalty lies in his selfish desires. He doesn't care about you "

"Kunawari sa. The city is how it is because of Rathore's. If I got slapped by Hukum. It shall be my pleasure to get slapped by him. I don't know about why you disrespect him so much. But, as far as I know it's because of Bade Maharaj Rathore our ancestors were fed and alive. For me and others, he's the God. I don't and I can't torture my God. " the inspector said at which he saw his baby bird's cold expression. But, her clenched fingers said how much she was pissed and it angered him.

"Desai, not a word, do what my queen says and don't forget that if I am your God then I worship her, she's my God." he said in authoritative tone. Desai cringed as a part of him was angered. His God was so kind, so loving towards this girl who had no ounce of respect towards him.

"Get her a chair! You don't know this much? You keep your Queen standing?" Rishabh spat harshly.

" Rishabh, shut your mouth, I am here to file a first information report  not for your utter nuisance " her eyes had fire in them and the way her hands held onto his collar just made him lose his mind. For a second he just found her damn sexy. He blinked his eyes and gulped his saliva as he felt the hotness in the room parched his throat.

"Guess you have to listen to this nuisance forever, why not get used to it, baby bird? After all you're in the city I wanted you to be.. " he said pecking one of her hands which held the collar of his shirt, very tenderly as if trying to tell her that he loves her with his touch.

In a millisecond he was lying on the floor with the chair he was sitting on cracked as she kicked his chair and gave harsh swat on his cheeks. His heart clenched as a wave of anger flooded his veins , not because of her actions but because of her words.

"You don't touch a woman without her consent, it's called harassment, guess your family never taught you that"

Her eyes didn't stare at his figure laying on the ground but at the officers called as police, someone meant to protect citizens but here they were letting a man harass her just because he was the to-be king. Her gaze held sharpness while eyeing then in disgust.

"Didn't your family tell you that denying reality doesn't help you escape it? " he voiced out his words without thinking twice because of the anger he felt. His family was a touchy subject.

She closed her eyes controlling the anger surfacing in her before opening them with the coldness in them. She saw his eyes who held instant regret as soon as he registered his own words.

"I did--"

"Guess what? They didn't!? You know why? " she looked at him as him asking him to answer her. But, his eyes were closed as he was living in his moment of regret. The moment where you want to slap yourself for not thinking twice before uttering something so shitty.

"Because  of  you! You fucking Rishabh Rathore killed them. You killed them" she almost yelled at him but caught herself she couldn't show emotions, she was strong she had to mask herself to stand strong.

"By the way, Desai just so you know, media is standing out of the police station and you'd be damned if you let him leave, you have to jail him and I will make sure that he's punished for his sins" she said as she pointed towards a media person actually recording everything from the window and when he peeked further there wasn't one but 20-30 journalist.

His anger and hate for this woman his king was devoted to increased by thousand folds.

"You are doing wrong to the King Kunawari sa. He loves you so much, why don't you just be a good woman for him, marry him and give him a heir instead of playing these evil games, Hukum will win anyway"

She cackled in a humorless way mocking him and his choice of words.

"That's what you think good woman are? Marrying and birthing? Then let me tell, a good woman is someone who fights until the man against her admits that she's good the way she is and about evil games, he started them, I'll end them. After all you shouldn't leave the thing you started and his Karma started way back, I am just completing it" she put one finger on his chest and gave him a slight push deliberately pushing her nail in.

Then, she looked at Rishabh who was still lying on the floor and crouched near him. She held his hand and led him to stand and then looked dead in his eyes.

"You hurt him. The one I love, once again. This time I swear on my dead family I will hurt you in the way nobody else can. See you in the court Rathore"


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