Chapter 12

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(sorry for small chapter and being late too)
A week later


She picked up a picture, instantly her heart saddened looking at the image of her lover. She can't believe what she's having to do today. Only if she could have left and let her Neil hug her tight and lull her to sleep away from the harsh reality.

She clutched her hands to not think about him anymore.

I shouldn't do it. right? but just once

just once

"Uh fine, it's just a call. Stupid, stupid fucking heart"


"Hello?" an automated voice beeped.

She closed her eyes and clutched her heart listening to his slow breathes. She could feel him. Just the feeling of him was so intense. She didn't knew what to say or if she should say something but she wanted to feel his presence.

"I know it's you, Mishti" the automated message beeped again. She couldn't control herself as she chocked on her sob and removed the phone.

" I believe in you, I know whatever you do is going to be the best way. I love you mishti" the message beeped and she slammed the phone away.

I love you too.

I love you so much, so so much

Her thoughts were interrupted with the voice of door and she quickly wiped her face and looked up only to be met with Rishabh.

"Why are you here?"  she asked in cold voice looking away from him.

"Do y-you like the s-sherwani?  I can't believe this, you-you look great, I am getting married, we're getting married" he said with a huge smile on his face, his happiness seemed like the mockery of her defeat.

"Get out" she didn't want to speak to him at all.

His smile fell as he noticed her coldness and sadness, he immediately felt bad. He didn't want to marry out of this contract but this was the only way left to make her his and he'd be damned to let it go.

"I know you don't like me bu-" he spoke before getting roughly cut off by her
"good to know, you are self aware now please leave"

"Mishti listen to me, I know I haven't been the best lover to you but I promise you I'll be there best husband, I'll do anything for you and know that, my love for you is unconditional"

She just shook her head in disbelief and gave him a mocking smile.

He looked at her with his orbs full of unwavering love and a promise to better future.

"I'll change myself for you"

" I'll change all my bad things for you. Heck I'll change this home, city-"

"I don't want you to change because you can change yourself but the past can't change the loathe and disgust for you can't change" she said in a eery cold voice and left to go in the bathroom.

Leaving Rishabh alone hurting and yearning for her content, his heart suffered listening to her sharp words but it's his love that gives him hope no matter what, he consoled himself that he'll prove himself.


She was sitting in front of the Holy fire as the priest chanted the mantras of unifying them both into a holy union. Everything seemed so blur all she could think about was her Neel.

Suddenly her thoughts broke as the priest announced them husband and wife.

"Bring the papers" said Rishabh and aditya came forward with the papers.
Almost immediately he signed on them forwarding them to Mishti as she did the same.

"Shaadi Mubarak, rani-sa" he whispered in her ears smiling in love and excitement.

She smiled in within too looking at the papers of all his provincial property transferred to her and 49% shares in her company.


She was in her room sipping on her black coffee and working on her new jobs. She e-mailed Kavi about the papers and got them legitimised.

She looked at her phone in which she had her family's picture and smiled at it.

"I got it back papa, mama. I won't stop until I get what belonged to you back" she said with a small smile.

She heard strong thud in the door and sighed in annoyance.

" what is it? " she asked in frustration looking at Rishabh who had his ears and neck so red. It looked as if he was on fire and he was smiling so widely. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"do you have anything to say or should I slam the door shut? " she asked him.

"Uh yeah, the weather is really good, do you want to go on a walk with me? "

"no" she said and tried to close the door when he held it and said

"what about coffee? "

"I drank mine. Okay bye" and she again tried to close the door but he pushed it open

"Do you want to grab lunch tomorrow we can go to the restaurant where we always used to go" he said with twinkle in his eyes.

"I don't want to go anywhere, I am fucking tired so if you'd let me, I'd like to be left alone" she said and slammed the door shut before he could say anything more or stop her.

"It's okay at least I got to see her and I can try again tomorrow" he said and peeked through the window to look at her face, she looked so beautiful and tempting, it was their first night of marriage the thought of that alone made him very happy regardless of the fact they'd be sleeping in different rooms.. for a while and then he would sneak in to admire her before finally going back to his room.

He was very happy but how could he not sniff the calm before the storm. Karma might take time but it always gets back to everyone.


For him she was His love

But for her,

She will be his karma


Will try to update on Sundays from now on.

If you can, please promote this book, thank you.

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