Chapter 3

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"Hukum! Should I carry Kunawari sa" offered Aditya, his first in command. In no second he was met with a furious glare before gently settling Mishti in his car.

Then, turned around and rolled up his sleeves and in a second slapped Aditya hard. So hard that every other guard standing there gulped hard. Aditya was his most loyal man. He had taken three bullets for Rishabh. They were close. But, seeing Rishabh slapping Aditya made them all gulp in fear.

"She is mine. No one else but me, can touch her. Get this imprinted in your minds. None of you are worthy of looking in her eyes. Don't even think of talking to her. Touching her is out of league. I will kill you in a way that even Satan won't fancy"

He shot a threatening look to everyone and all the guards flinched when he harshly asked them


They all were quick to nod there heads in agreement sensing their Hukum's anger. He moved his hand in air dismissing all of them and then moved towards the jet.

He entered the jet and saw her unconscious form resting on the place he left her. His senses immeadietely calmed down. She was the only cure to his anger.

He picked her unconscious form and laid her on the comfortable bed after removing her heels kissing her ankles where there was rashes probably due to the heels.

Look how sensitive her skin. My baby bird, her while ankle is red. I shouldn't let her wear heels. That way she'll look way shorter than me. It'll be adorable. I might tease her for her cute height.

He chuckled to himself  before removing the shrug she was wearing figuring it would be uncomfortable. But gulped at the sight of her revealed cleavage. He swallowed his drool. She had surely grown into a beautiful girl also, Feisty like a bird.

He peppered a kiss on her lips. It had been so long. He felt like he tasted heaven. How much he missed her. How much. But, she was here with him and now he is never letting her leave. He was going to thrust his tongue but remembered about her being unconscious and pulled away reluctantly.

"You'vd grown so well baby bird. I am proud of you" he kissed the top of her head before getting in the bed and snuggling into her body as her back faced him.


It was almost time of landing and she still wasn't conscious but he was awake staring at her like a hawk. He couldn't wait for her to wake up and then have a passionate make out with her.

It had been so long. He just couldn't control himself. He knew he couldn't actually do that. She would kill him with those sharp eyes of her. But, then again who could stop his heart from desiring the forbidden.

She opened her eyes and blinked them a few times before turning to her side only, to find Rishabh staring at her, giving her seductive smile and playing with her strands of hair. She wasn't shocked at all.

He leaned in to kiss her at which she kneed his manhood and pushed him away. She tied her hairs with rubber band slowly bending down to his height. She looked at her with so much hatred that he couldn't take it. He placed her hands on her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. It feels like someone is continuously cutting my heart into two"

She harshly pushed his hands away.

"You could hide the hatred in my gaze. What about the hatred in my heart? It would never fade. Not until I am alive and next time think twice before touching my body"

"Why can't I touch you? I did nothing in front of what I am capable of baby bird. You know I love you---

"I don't want to hear your stupid rants. Now shut that shithole of yours and just let me land on the fucking port. You'll know what you've gotten yourself into"

"What I have gotten into is a beautiful appearance and a pure soul. A body so pious that could get filthy with stares of horny men. A heart filled with kindness and that it makes me wonder why won't it work for me? "

She didn't find it necessary to chit chat with him so she just walked out. Leaving him annoyed. How could she just ignore him? He looked into the mirror fixing his hairs and beard a bit wondering

"I don't look so bad... now do I? Well, those girls lurking around me don't think so. But, baby bird doesn't even care to reply? "

"Go to her. You fucking idiot and talk to her not to your self" his self conscious reminded him.

He nodded to himself  before applying some strong cologne. He had read somewhere that girls find good scented men attractive. Well, he had done so much to try and impress her. Why not this too?

He went out if the room and there she sat as she was reading a business book. He rolled his eyes. Her sharp hazel eyes didn't even care to meet his figure. She was always like this. A bookworm.

He went and sat near her so that she could smell his scent or at least look at him. But, instead of looking at him or doing anything.

She just got up and headed in. He was quick enough to stop her. As if 4 years weren't enough of distance. She wanted space between them and to hell he would let it happen.

"Mr. Rathore do me a favour and leave me alone till we land. The shit you've applied on your shirt smells so strong that it practically hurts my fucking head. "

"Oh! Sorry baby forgot about that" he said as he removed his shirt. He expected her to turn around or act shy or ogle at his toned body but she just went in and he followed her.

She sat on the bed and continued reading while he continued staring at her face.

"Eyes off my face Mr. Rathore" she hissed coldly. He let out a humorless chuckle as he leaned closer to her face.

"Why so formal baby? You're my fiance remember? "

" Don't act as if you didn't threaten me into it, don't act as if we are some childhood lover, don't act like you didn't destroy my life.

Don't act like you didn't kill my parents "



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