Chapter 8

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"Mishti" a voice chirped in a sweet honey like tone. Mishti didn't need to turn to know who it was. She just signalled the girl to come fast.

"How's he?" Mishti asked as her voice was barely normal as she was controlling herself from breaking down.

"He's doing okay. Because he's asthmatic, it was a bit complicated but the doctors are did their best."

"Thank you Kavi do me another favor and buy him a ticket back to London "

"what why? "

Before she could finish her sentence. She was cut off by Rishabh.

"Hey saali sahiba, how are you doing?"

Mishti took 3 deep breaths to calm down. If she could, she would have killed this sick person.

"I--" Kavi was cut off by Mishti.

"Mr. Rathore do me a favour and go back to your cell."

"What are you talking about baby bird I am already in my cell only. And I need to talk with my sister-in-law and butter her up so that she doesn't steal my footwear in our wedding."

"Mr. Rathore, I am not marrying you. Fuck No. And shut up please."

" and as I was saying book him a ticket. "

"Oh hell no. That guy gets only one ticket and that's to hell. I will kill him. You do whatever you want baby but he isn't going away. I have to kill him. No I want to kill him and tear his body to take your heart from him. He's such a stealer. He stole the heart that was mine to begin with. How can I let him go just like that. No." he said as he laughed.

A shudder ran down her body as she saw how serious he was. She couldn't let that happen.

"Desai open the door"

"But Kunawari sa--"

"Do as your queen says Desai. She shall get what she wants."

Desai opened up the lock up and Mishti entered with her eyes as cold as they can be. Rishabh quickly hugged her

"You say you don't love me, but see you can't stay away from me." he said as he leaned in to kiss her lips but was interrupted as Kavi too went in and yanked Mishti

"what are you doing Mishti?"

"Saali Sahiba I know all sister in law do this but I would like it if next time you don't interrupt me when I am going to kiss my love. Hope you don't mind"

"Oh I do. I do mind you bastard. Let me just smack the shit out of you. You fucking--" her words were cut short.

"Kavi. Go out"

"what? are you out of your mind? I am not leaving you alone with him. I don't trust him"

"sorry saali sahiba, Desai drag her out, but don't hurt her after all she's like my sister. "

"oh no you asshole if I were your sister I would kill a brother like you. Ahh leave me you dumb inspector. " she struggled in Desai's hands as he dragged her out.

"Aditya will drop you off. Saali sahiba have a good day. Sorry and thank you for leaving. " he said as he saw Aditya picking up Kavi in bridal style and taking her out.

Rishabh turned around to look at her eyes which were cold. She looked so serene he wondered what she did that God gave all his beauty and brains to her. She was the most beautiful and intelligent girl he had ever seen. He was so proud of himself that he had fallen for her. He still doesn't know what made him so much in love? Was it her tresses that were untameable, was it her plum lips which smiled so cheerfully or was it her cute button nose.

"I love you." he whispered as he was close to her. Too close. His breath fanning on her nose as his forehead touched hers. She pushed him off.

"what do you want? " she said in a cold tone.

"you" he said as if he was in her trance. His eyes traced every part of her body. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her. Never enough.

"in exchange of letting him go and give up your shares in shining"

"Marry me." as soon as he said that her clear sharp eyes dug hole in his.

"Something else. Anything but this"

"I only want this. All I want is you marrying me. I have always wanted this and only this. When you were dreaming about studying in Oxford I was dreaming about our marriage. When you were dreaming about wanting a your own home. I was dreaming of our home with you and me and our kids. When you were dreaming about killing me (chuckles)  I was dreaming of you saying that you love me. All I want is for you to marry me. I will prove it you that I love you and I am the best choice. "

"you might be the best choice but you are not my choice and you will never be"

"you know what they say baby bird? Never say never"

"If I marry you will you give my company back and let me stay different."

"this is not a contract marriage baby. After I marry you, you stay with me, I show you my true love, you accept me, you fall for me and you have my kids"

"you are fcking delusional Rathore. Fucking delusional. I am not marrying you ever. Fuck you. I will get him out of this mess just fine and alive. I will not let you touch his single hair strand. I promise you that I will kill you if you even try to touch him" she said as she slammed the cell and went away.

"You.. Love him?! So much? You'll kill me for him. What does he have that I don't. No No. I don't care I will marry you. You will love me. Yes you will love me. You have to. That guy... Ughhh I hate him. I hate him so much. You will marry me baby bird. You will that to on your own. My love might not be the light of your darkness but it will the comfort for you in the darkness. Let's see baby how you get him out without marrying me."

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