Chapter 1; As the summer falls

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I wrote this bc of a TT so if ur from there, I'm not that good, please don't be disappointed x

Lily's POV

I went up to my mum's room to wake her. It was the first of September, at last. I found the room empty. I got dressed and went downstairs, still pulling my red hair into a low ponytail.

"Lily, come sit down!" My mum happily smiled. I took a seat and we ate breakfast. At about eight, Petunia had decided that she should privilege us with her company.

When about 9 'o clock it was time to go, she refused to join us though. I begged, and mum and dad made her. She would sit as far away from me as she could in the car. I had checked my trunk about twelve times before we left.

"Do you remember where we have to go dear?" I heard my dad whisper to my mum. "Because I've forgotten." I giggled and said: "Dad! Ugh, 9 3/4 of course."

As we got around to King's cross, I think my dad had already forgotten. Petunia would hold my letter in her hands, looking at it with big and longing eyes, but deny it when I looked at her. I told them to hurry up as it was already 10:30.

We found platform 9 and 10. I looked around very, very carefully, to make sure no one was looking at us. The trolley that my mum had earlier lifted my trunk on, stated rolling as I pushed against it.

I sped up a little and ran straight towards the wall. Sort of expecting a crash despite knowing that isn't possible, I closed my eyes.

When I opened them, the entire vibe had changed. The rather luxe trains had been switched to an old- fashioned one. Most people are wearing regular clothes, but plenty are wearing long, black robes. There weren't a ton of people. I waited for my mum and dad to come through the wall.

My dad came walking through the wal casually. "Should I help you load your trunk, darling?" I nodded and together we get my trunk inside the train. I kept some stuff at the side to entertain myself with during the train ride. I also got three galleons of pocket money for at least until the next holiday.

As the time ticked by, more people started coming onto platform 9 3/4. Being a muggleborn, I recognized exactly none of them.

No, wait, I'm lying. I knew one. Severus. Hes my friend. He told me I was a witch, even before I knew myself. But he broke the relationship between me and my Petunia. I'd been trying to get it back on track, but she'd been giving me a hard time.

Severus walked up to me and hugged me. I kind of froze as I hesitantly hugged him back. He pulled away, apparently he hadn't noticed, and smiled.

"Excited, ready?" He asked. I gave him a short and quick nod, and turned to my dad. "Dad, where's mum and Petunia?" I wondered.

"Er- you'll see them some other time again. Now, give your dad a hug!" I gave him the brightest smile I could conjure and jumped in his arms.

Students started loading onto the train. "Bye, dad!" I yelled after him. I ran into a random compartment and hung out of the window. My dad ran with me until we left the platform.

Realising I accidentally walked into a compartment with fourth- years, I backed away as my checks started burning and turning a bright red. I was looking for an empty compartment, but it didn't look like I would be able to find one.

I turned to the compartment where my dad and I had loaded my trunk and was surprised to see three boys sitting there. They all looked first- years as well. One of them was wearing the most awful outfit. I figured he must be a pureblood.

He had messy black hair, a rather handsome face. In his hand he held a tiny golden ball. He was wearing round glasses, perfectly fitting him. His eyes were brown, and as the sun shone in them, they looked like beautiful perfect flowing honey.

The second had shoulder- length, black hair. He was clearly a pureblood as well,but he had a good taste in clothing. They were laughing together.

A third boy was small and he looked like he was third wheeling. I apparently hadn't noticed I'd been staring at them through the window, until the boy with messy, either lack or very dark brown hair, beckoned me.

I opened the door and awkwardly sat onto the couch.

"I'm James. This is Sirius and-"

I interrupted him before he could continue, "Are you serious right now?" As I thought he must've been joking about his friend's name. I was partly right, because the next thing he said was,

"No, he is. Im James. I just told you. Oh and this is Peter." He added. It fell silent for a bit, until I realized they were waiting for me to say something. "Oh, yeah, I -er- I'm Lily."

A fourth boy yanked the doors of the compartment open and rushed inside before slamming them close even harder. He turned around and smiled. "Oh, hello."

He seemed very open at first, but slowly I saw the realisation on his face kick in. He was standing in quite a full compartment, looking out of breath.

Something seemed off about him. All his movements, everything he did or said, seemed slowed down. A little, but still.

After a minute or so of silence, James bursted out in laughing. "What did you do?" Sirius joined him and roared of laughter as well.

I felt rather bad for the boy. I looked at him closely. He was rather skinny, short, light brown hair and brown eyes as well. One or two scars were noticeable on his face. I wondered where he'd got them. "Somebody.." he panted carefully.

Just as we were waiting for him to catch his breath, so he could finish his sentence, a boy that I recognized stood behind the glass window in the door. I stood up, manoeuvred myself around the skinny boy and opened the compartment door.

I hadn't paid him any attention on the platform, so I hugged him and said happily, "Sev! Hi!"  He hugged me back uncomfortably. The boys all looked at us. The skinny boy had caught his breath. Yet all he brought out was, "It was you!", as he pointed at Sev.

I turned to Severus. "What does he mean, Severus?" I don't normally use my best friend's full name. Sev got out his wand, thought for a second or so, then muttered something under his breath.

The fourth boy had stopped panting. He turned to me and said, "Remus, nice to meet you." He said it in a normal speed. I turned back to Sev, "Did you..?" Sev straightened himself, grabbed my wrist and said,

"You don't want to be hanging around with these gits. C'mon, we'll find another compartment!" I shrugged, shot a last look at the guys, and shut the door behind me.

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