Chapter 3; First spark

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Lily's POV

My robes had been laid out over my bed the day of the sorting. I'd organised everything in my trunk and placed it on next my bed.

Now I was sitting at the breakfast table. My roommates were some pureblood girls that I didn't know.

As I was shoving a sandwich in my mouth, a long boy sat down beside me. His name is Remus. "Hm. Enjoying breakfast?" He said, as he took two timetables from Professor Slughorn, head of Slytherin house.

He handed one to me. Just then, Sev walked up to me with also two timetables. I quickly stuffed Remus' timetable in my robes and smiled as I took Sev's one. Remus snickered and I playfully hit him on his head.

"Thank you, Severus."

I looked it through. It's not a too busy timetable. We started with transfiguration today. Followed by potions, and we finished with flying lessons.

Everything went quite well. The day was rather sunny and it didn't feel as though summer had already passed. Transfiguration went pretty well and potions passed rather smoothly. I basically sticked to Severus, as he seemed to know what he was doing.

Remus always seemed to pop up beside me at random times and ask me what for fuck's sake we were supposed to do. I couldn't help but laugh every time he did. Severus seemed a little less amused by him. I got irritated by that. I'd pretty much forgiven Remus by now.

It was time for flying lessons. Our Professor, Madam Hooch, had lined up several brooms beside each other. We came walking onto the field to see the Gryffindors already standing there. Me, as lucky as I am, I got to stand right in front of James fucking Potter.

Apparently, my frustration was quite visible, because James laughed and Remus offered to switch. I gladly took the offer. Then I stood in front of a blond- haired girl.

Madam Hooch silenced the muttering. "Students! Today, I will be teaching you to fly." James and Sirius looked at each other and laughed. "I said silence, Mr Potter and Mr Black."

She continued, "You each have a broom assigned. You will step forward," Madam Hooch waited for us to do that, "and say 'up' until your broom is in your hand."

I'm very careful. I watched everyone else trying. Of course, James and Sirius do it first try. The girl in front of me as well. Peter struggled once or twice but got a hang of it pretty quickly.

I turned to my own broom and say fiercely, "UP!" It didn't do anything. "C'mon, up!" Still didn't move. "Up!" Jesus Christ this is getting annoying. "UP!" I yelled. It didn't matter.

Remus, next to me, was figuring it out only a little before but he managed to do it. He looked at me and giggled. "Aww, can't get it right?" He looked around and we saw Madam Hooch was talking to some Gryffindor. "Up," Remus murmured.

My broom shot up and I caught it in my hand. "Why, thank you. I had it under control, though." The blond haired girl in front of my shot me a dirty look. I believe her name to be Mary? Marlene? from the sorting ceremony.

I smile sarcastically at her back. Madam Hooch gets back to the front of the class. "Now, Mount your brooms. Don't kick, just mount them." I couldn't figure out what she meant with 'kick', so I just did what all the other students did.

Everyone threw one leg over their broomstick. Madam Hooch inspected the way we'd sat ourselves on our broomsticks. "Very well. Now, you may kick off of the ground-" she hadn't even been done speaking, before one broom already left.

It was James', of course. Madam Hooch didn't pay attention to him, except for muttering, "5 points from Gryffindor," and continued with what she said. "Kick from the ground until about 10 meter in the air. Then slowly push the front of your broom down and land back into this exact spot."

"Easy enough," I heard a few people say. I concentrated on the floor, but something kept me from getting myself up in the air. Severus, who was on my right side, seemed to have noticed. "Lils, why aren't you going?"

I answered, "Is now a good time to tell you I'm afraid of heights?" And I laughed nervously. I am seriously scared of heights.

"C'mon then, Evans!" A middle- classed voice yelled out. It was James, and Sirius added, "Hmm, I suppose she can't without her boyfriend's help!" I couldn't figure out who they meant, and I could not care less at that moment.

I pushed myself off of the ground and rose up until about 5 meters. I rose until 7, 8.. until I reached ten, and levelled with the two boys. "I have a first name, you know." And I push my broomstick down as I land gracefully.

Perfect, if I say so myself. Madam Hooch agreed. "Five points to Slytherin for that landing, Miss Evans." I blushed. Remus got down beside me and held his hand up. I gave him an high- five.

Me, Sev, and Remus walked back up to the castle. "I daresay this day went quite well." I look to the both of them. "Mhm," Remus went. Severus took my wrist and he sped up. At first, Remus tried to keep up, but I quickly realized Sev wanted to speak to me, alone. I wove Remus off.

"Sev, what's up?" I asked, more concerned than mad. "Lily, he's.. he's an halfblood! And look how he hung around with those Gryffindor boys before, in the train and on the lake." I took a deep sigh.

"What do you mean, he's a halfblood? So what! I'm a muggleborn. I don't see you have a problem with that either!" I didn't dare say that I agreed with him. He had hung out with the three Gryffindor boys. But he hadn't laughed with them at all.

I turned around and walked off, to find Remus. I would ask him wether he wanted to make the little homework we'd gotten together.

I was starting to be hesitant with Sev. I liked him, really, he's a great friend. But he just cannot accept I have a friend beside him.

After that realisation I wasn't sure if Sev was a good friend. For me, at least.

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